View Full Version : Vitamin B

31-10-14, 23:28
I've been reading through the posts on here and was wondering if anyone has taken Vitamin B to help with their anxiety? I already take citalopram in the morning but I find by the evening I am tired and getting headaches and was wondering if Vitamin B would help with this?

31-10-14, 23:35
Ugh! I agree, I have heard that B vitamins are really good for our nervous system. I have a great B complex tablet but it actually makes my anxiety worse I'm sad to say. I had never put it together until I paid attention after reading some posts on here saying it can. Then I realized, within a couple of hours after taking it, I felt inexplicable anxiety :mad:

So now I am splitting a tablespoon of nutritional yeast between my meals and snacks (not that hard). It's FULL of B vitamins. So far I'm not noticing the same problem with it!

31-10-14, 23:45
Yeah I read on here that some people had said it made their anxiety worse, so I don't think I'll be trying it. I might do what you do, or find something else that has Vitamin B in it. Thank You :)

31-10-14, 23:48
No problem, good luck Samantha! :flowers:

01-11-14, 02:50
It may be a question of strength. We consumer foods with B vitamins in all the time but don't feel the anxiety spike but this is likely because they are balanced with other nutrients and are not 100% RDA in one hit.

Think of it another way. Do you drink tea? Do you find it causes you no issues? Now try something loaded with caffiene such as guarana and you will find it causes a spike. This is because it is too much absorbed in one go.

So, what about a timed release option? Or break them in half and take them separately? Or use something that provides vitamin B as an extra as opposed to the primary so that it is less than 100% RDA.

02-11-14, 22:16
Thank you SADnomore, and MyNameIsTerry I was thinking of taking them separately. I guess I'm not really going to know unless I try them, I'm seeing my counselor for the first time tomorrow so I might ask them about it.

Thank You Both :)

03-11-14, 03:57
YW! Keep us in the loop :hugs:

05-11-14, 21:24
Well I saw my counselor for the first time on Monday and she suggested waiting until my citalopram kicks in and then see if I still think taking them is a good idea...

05-11-14, 22:10
Good luck then! Meanwhile you are quite likely getting enough from your diet, or close on to the RDA. Unless you don't eat any bread/pasta etc., or are vegetarian or something. :winks: Best of luck with the med!


06-11-14, 03:41
That is very sensible because you may experience increased anxiety when starting on SSRI/SNRI's so you don't want to try something which could also do this.

Something to also bear in mind is that when we are at our most anxious, we can be triggered by all sorts of things. This changes over time and you become more resilient hence more able to try things without them triggering anxiety.