View Full Version : Dizzy in a bright shop

01-11-14, 00:39
Thought my HA days were finally behind me, or at least under control but after going a bit dizzy in a shop earlier this evening, it's back. It felt like my vision in one eye was going a bit blurry at one side very briefly and then happened again about 30 seconds later. It hasn't happened since I left the shop but I have developed a mild headache since. Spent the rest of the evening googling and have now convinced myself I have something very wrong with me, even though I acknowledge it was probably something and nothing, caused by going from a dark street into a very brightly-lit shop.

I've been HA free for months but it's back, just like that. Currently googling stroke symptoms, even though logic tells me had I had a stroke, I wouldn't be sitting on my sofa typing this. Gah!

Anyone else had similar symptoms?

02-11-14, 01:12
I get like that with bright lights. It gives me blobs in front of my eyes then I get dizzy. I especially hate driving in the dark and the car lights are sooo bright I squint away from them. I've got more sensitive to bright lights as I've got older. I don't know why. This has been happening for years and I'm still alive.

02-11-14, 15:13
Different lights really mess with me to the point I think I may pass out gets the heart racing but in all these years haven't fainted, must be a benign cause behind it, hope u get better

03-11-14, 13:18
Thank you both. No repeat of the dizziness over the weekend, I even went back to the same shop just to see but nothing, so all good. Hopefully it was just a combination of end of week tiredness and going from the dark into the most brightly lit shop I have ever seen. Things like that really knock your confidence, don't they? Disappointed my HA came back but I think I contained it reasonably well. Thanks again for your replies xx

03-11-14, 18:53
I hate bright lights and they do seem to add to my dizziness, but to me it sounds like you might be suffering from something similar to a migraine.

I went through a period of aura migraines which can be caused by tiredness/bright lights etc and would lose my vision temporarily for an hour at a time. That was them at their worst, but maybe you are starting to experience them? They can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, but my vision used to get blurry (with floaters) which would then develop into a kaleidoscopic effect.