View Full Version : Possible PE/DVT

01-11-14, 01:39
Hi Everyone,
So i have made a few posts lately about DVTs chest pains, headaches, etc. I am quite sure that most of this is probably caused from my anxiety however, i cant help but feel that maybe a health issue is causing my anxiety and not the other way around.

I am going to try and make this short and hopefully have a few people help me out here..

I have sharp shooting pains in my left side of my chest. It feels like something is stabbing me. Then I will have like crushing feeling and I will have trouble breathing, or feel like my lungs have too much air.
I have had numerous ecgs done in the last two weeks, and i mean like 5-6. They have all come back somewhat borderline but the doctors dont seem to be bothered by this.. I had a D Dimer done to test for PE. It came back negative. Then I have an ultrasound done on my calf as I was feeling very sore and the it came back negative for DVT.
My worry is... can i have a false negative. Could the blood clot already traveled to my lungs and this is why I am not feeling well, and having chest pains and anxiety and shortness of breath etc.
I am extremely low risk. I dont smoke, i dont take birth controls or estrogen pills, i havent travelled but i do sit at work all day long and then come home and dont feel like doing much.

I dont really know where to go from here. I am not 100% convinced that its not a blood clot or PE. Could it still be there and the tests just show negative? Are these symptoms being caused by my anxiety ?

Any help or advice would be great. I dont want to let this control my life. I am afraid of a heart attack every single day now.

thanks guys,

01-11-14, 07:57
Hi Nat
I'm in the UK and if there was any suggestion of a DVT/PE then the first thing they do is inject you with an anti coagulant!
As you have already been tested for it I suspect that you don't have one
As someone that has had DVT's and a history of depression and anxiety I'm inclined to think that this is not a dvt
You need to speak to your doctor about your on going concerns

01-11-14, 15:46
Hi Heavy Thinker,
I agree that if it was something that they suspected they wouldnt release me, but I get the feeling that because im only 28 years old, and i have a low risk of DVT/PE that they were very easily dismissing the case.
I have read hundreds of stories of doctors saying " its not you, your too young go home " and then those people dying from blot clot in the lung.
Its very hard for me to believe that i dont have anything when I have so much trouble breathing and feel out of breath all the time.
Maybe it is my anxiety but in any case, they cant say no w/o going through ALL the proper tests.
They dont want to do a CT because of all the radiation.
I just hope im not a walking time bomb thats all.

Thank you for your reply.

02-11-14, 01:56
You really need to start trusting your doctors. They've done quite a few tests by the sounds of it, more than most people would receive, and all have come back without any serious results. Stress causes muscle tension and muscle tension causes pain, which may be explaining the sharp pains and crushing/tight feelings you are getting in your chest area. It's really important to discuss this with your doctor and let them know your concerns and see if they can explain the reasoning behind their decision so you can understand better and have some peace of mind :)

If you are REALLY concerned, perhaps you should start doing some preventative exercise. For example, if you are sitting all day at work, get up and walk for a couple of minutes every half hour to hour. At home just walk backwards and forwards down the house for a couple of minutes after an hour of sitting down.