View Full Version : PVCs Heart Palpatations or whatever they are

01-11-14, 03:24
Hello I am brand new here I have been experiencing PVCs for the last year and a half.
I get the kind that take your breath away for a second .
In the last year I have had approximately 15 Ekgs and been monitored on a ECG for a total of 40 hours while visiting the emergency room . I have had a Echo test I've had so many blood tests I can't count Chest xrays ect.
I wore a holter monitor for 48 hours all these tests have came back clean ...but I still get these the last two days theyvhave been horrible I was only getting 2 or 3 a day during the last year ...the last two days I have gotten 10 or more an hour ....to be honest its scaring the hell out of me ...I went to er last night they drew blood and did another EKG said everything was fine and sent me home ...now 24 hours later I'm ready to run back in ....what do I do I feel trapped and lost in this fear ...

01-11-14, 14:30
A big problem for us all here is that each burst of anxiety a palpitation creates is like sipping a little strong coffee. And, like sipping strong coffee all day, all those little bursts of anxiety add up to irritate the hell out of our hearts. Something which soothes and distracts you is really helpful, I find.

Also, PVCs and PACs seem to come and go in a semi-random pattern, as we can have a good day or week or month with few of them... and then a bad day or week or month with lots of them. A bad few days doesn't necessarily mean anything has changed. It's all a bit random, unfortunately.

01-11-14, 17:20
I've had lots and lots of them for the past 2, 3 months. Since last week, I don't have a single one. They simply disappeared for no reason, except the fact that I quit caffeine. I'm not even sure if caffeine was making the problem worse, and to be honest I'm just waiting for the PVCs to come back, because I know they will..

There were times in my life when I was really calm about them, I was so used to have PVCs that I simply ignored them (I felt, but it was something almost natural). On the other hand, when I'm anxious it makes me crazy.

I know how you feel, but if doctors say your heart is normal, just trust them. PVCs are not dangerous in normal hearts.