View Full Version : Anyone suffering from slurred speech ?

01-11-14, 04:40
does any one also suffer or suffered from slurred speech like i do? is it anxiety? i have it even when not anxious. i also have dizziness and headaches and head rush like feeling. pls post if you suffered from slurred speech tell your experience :unsure:

Anxiety A
01-11-14, 16:10
That sounds pretty similar to me in a way, i get really anxious when i go out with friends etc. i always have and when i get anxious my speech goes bad, sometimes the words don't even come out! Do you get it when nervous or is it all the time? I also get very dizzy when i panick sometimes, once i was in a garden center and i started panicking - i nearly thought i was going to pass out!

Hope this helps :)

01-11-14, 17:01
i get it randomly it gives me panic i dont think its caused by panic :unsure: i get it more when i read out something or speaking tricky words i had 2 cts 2 months ago i dont know if it has made something bad to develope like a tumor or something can it?