View Full Version : really scared

geoff lodge
01-11-14, 06:24
hi im new to the site and dont even know if i suffer from panic attacks or a disorder. i hope someone can help me

im a 43 year old male living in south africa and employed in the police force
4 months ago to the date , i was at work when i got a strange tingling feeling in both my feet. thinking it was a trapped nerve i thought nothing of it. after a few hours it spread to my hands. when i got home i explained to my wife whats happening and we both decided it would pass by morning. about a hour later though i was in the kitchen when all of a sudden i started getting verry dizzy and woozy to a extent i thought i was going to pass out. my wife helped me to the bed and by morning i felt a bit better. later during the morning it happened again but much worse i felt like i was dying. my father helped me to my GP who inturn booked me into hospital for various tests. they included all blood test under the sun , xrays on chest and a mri. the mri came back positive for a degeneration in the neck area c4_c5. the neurosurgeon came to explain what they found and wasnt too serious, nothing that physio wont cure. after another 2 days in hospital i was discharged feeling completely normal. 2 weeks later i came back from a bike ride and by the next day my muscles in my legs started feeling sore. a few hours later i started feeling very dizzy and woozy again. it was happening to me again.so it was back off to the GP for more tests. thinking it was the neck causing these symptoms i was once again refered to the neurosurgeon. to make this long story a bit shorter a fusion operation was scheduled. i was on a high , after 4 months of pain it would be finally over. but a day after the op i realised that my symptoms didnt go away. i was still very dizzy and tired and my legs felt like rubber, so it was off to the GP once again. its been 3 weeks after the op now and im in constant pain in my neck and right shoulder blade. pain meds no longer do the trick.i am now in depression cause no one can find whats wrong with me. for eg yesterday i was lying in bed just dozing off when a ice cold then hot feeling started through my whole body. i bust into tears because i didnt know what was happening. about an hour later the feeling eased off and i was left with a headache so bad i could not even begin to describe. i also felt very weak and could hardly walk. that's when i typed all these symptoms into google and came onto this site. its the next day now and i still have a slight headache and abit dizzy. i call the dizzy feeling my little friend , because each morning when i wake up its there.

to end my story i just want to know if i am a sufferer of panic attacks or disorder. my symptoms in a nutshell are the following
dizzyness(constant) , nausea, headaches, numbness in legs and feet a constant fear that no one is gonna find a cure for me, hot flushes then cold flushes over body exspecially the head region, pain like u cant describe in my back, legs ,neck and shoulder blade muscles. when i have a episode like i call it, my blood pressure shoots through the roof but then settles after about an hour.

i am currently on a antidepressant , sleeping tabs and blood pressure tabs

thank u for reading and i hope someone can tell me if i am really a sufferer


01-11-14, 12:48
At first you'd probably come to the conclusion it was panic/anxiety yes because a lot of that sounds familiar. People do have horrendous and odd symptoms.

It would be irresponsible to tell you for sure it was though begat does your doc conclude that it is at this point after all your tests being clear ? they generally end up telling everyone it's anxiety. Is that what they've ended up telling you or have they just concluded that they don't know ?