View Full Version : cardiac arrest anxiety

01-11-14, 08:28
Im from india and for about a year ive been suffering from health anxiety and have been constantly going to the ER. Im on cipralex 10 mg. Im really scared of having a sudden cardiac arrest or going into a fatal arrhythmia. Im 22 years old and ive done about all the tests related to the heart and everything seems to be normal. there was this doctor who said it might be something called a brugada syndrome which scared me to death and for the past 3 months my anxiety has increased considerably. Though somewhere inside i know everything is normal the fear of just dropping dead(and the fact that very few people here know CPR) is killing me.

01-11-14, 12:30
Welcome to the site :)

03-11-14, 16:04
I hope you get the peace of mind you need from joining this site. Its helped me alot x