View Full Version : Eyes and mouth again

01-11-14, 09:57
i have had dry eyes and mouth for eight months.
Have to use eye drops a few times a day.
Keep making GP appointments and then cancelled.
Was referred to hospital to check for sicca syndrome.
I have another doctors appointment in a couple of weeks , I WILL attend this time.
Scared its sicca
Has anyone had these symptoms with stress, but for so long.
Sorry I know I've posted about this before ...

01-11-14, 12:34

it could just be because of the anxiety. Your mood control the saliva glands causing too much or sometimes too little saliva. Worryng excites the nervous system which in turn controls the fucntioing of organs and glands like the adrenal glands, sweat glands, saliva glands etc and organs such as the heart, bladder etc.

Im pretty sure this is because of your anxiety. Although get it cheked out by the doctor to be safe.

