View Full Version : Hello. New person here!

02-11-14, 08:35
Just going through the hell that is the side effects of Citalopram. Having been diagnosed with endogenous depression many years ago, I decided some months ago to wean myself off Seroxat as I had been on it for some considerable years and start on Citalopram (all under the supervision of my GP of course). I'm now into week 5 on 20mg and although I can feel that the depression is lifting it's the horrible over anxiety that's really affecting me. I have had good days and didn't expect a blip over the weekend. It's so easy to feel that you're relapsing and the tablets won't work when you're in the grip of anxiety. I kind of know it's the tablets but even so it's very difficult to make yourself feel and believe that it is. A bi-product of anxiety (whether as a stand alone condition or side effect) seems to be that horrible inability to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it's through people like yourselves, who've been there and come out the other end, telling others that it's gonna be ok, that help tremendously. One of the biggest factors that worry me is not being able to eat and the anxiety it causes. Daft really considering that I weigh 12 stone but it's just something that worries me. I Hate not feeling hungry but having to force myself to eat. One of those things that many people take for granted. Anyway, I'm rambling...:) hello to all.

02-11-14, 17:43
hello and :welcome:

02-11-14, 17:52
Hello :welcome: to the forum. Sure you will find loads of help and support on here.

04-11-14, 17:52
Hello all. Amazingly, since writing my original post, I'm feeling much better. The nasty side effects are easing and the end of the tunnel shows a glimmering light. Have wandered around this website and found some amazingly helpful information and support which I'm sure has helped. Thank you.

04-11-14, 18:54
Well, hello Miss Tilly! So glad you've found us!

(p.s. if you are still finding your appetite isn't very good, then by all means, eat what appeals to you. That will help. Once it kicks in though, you must ditch the chips and sweets again, lol! I had to have a pitched battle with Sugar Bitch (my alter ego) who'd been so thrilled, to now let go of the bags into the garbage!)

10-11-14, 09:10
Appetite seems to go up and down as still having the odd 'dip'. Complan is my saviour when I have no appetite, but indeed when I do feel like eating the sweet stuff tends to be nearest and easiest!

10-11-14, 14:19
Hello and welcome! I'm new here too