View Full Version : This is getting worse

02-11-14, 10:57
Hello people. I used to have panic attacks when I was 22-23 years old, that was a long time ago. They simply disappeared for more than 15 years and now they came back strong. In the past few months I've had lots of them, 2 strong ones and a few more "controllable" ones.

But now I have a heart obsession because I remember the fast heart rate (near 200) from the strong panic attack, and I find myself checking my pulse all the time. If my heart goes a little faster (100/110), that's enough to trigger a panic attack. Now I'm able to control them a little better, I try to lay down, take some fresh air and I put a 10mg Diazepam pill under my tongue (doctor told me to do it in SOS). The Diazepam works well, makes me feel slow and dizzy for the next day, but I don't want to start taking it everyday. If I do, I know I will probably be fine but then I won't be able to quit...

I'm getting to the point that I avoid going to some places because even walking can make me panic. I used to exercise 3-4 times a week, but in the past week I felt I couldn't do it, because it would cause a panic attack for sure. Today I was home and felt some palpitations, nothing very bad, but that was enough to make me panic. It's crazy, I know I don't have any health problem but I simply can't control it. I mean, I can control the attacks much better, but I can't avoid having them, and now very often...

Do you have any advice?