View Full Version : There IS Hope!!!

02-01-07, 21:52
when all is bleak its always nice to hear that all will end well and it will. I am a panic sufferer since 1971. Although i have rarely had a full blown attack in the past 10 years or so. I believe a person who has suffered from Panic attacks will never be totally free of that title just like the alcholic that has not had a drink in 1o years still is considered an alcholic. You will never forget the attackd but learn from them! Its a rough thing to go thru and i did for over 25 years. You tell me what you felt and how you reacted and how many times you went to doctors and hospitals and cardiologists and psycologists abnd psychiatrists and Ill top it I SWEAR!! I did finally beat it a little with meds and a lot withbehavior modification. I found a group called TERRAP and im not touting that organization its probably one of hundreds that can and will help if you follow there program and interact with the group like yourself. if i had to do it over i would try to skip the meds but would not discount them if they are your only relief. Its just that i became dependant and it was really hell getting off them. I have found several things to be true. there are triggers to attacks some are Hunger, stress, tiredness, caffiene and excitement. not that you cant overcome some but try to avoid if possible. Another truth is that you can avoid attacks with acceptance. Meaning that if you can accept the triggers you will not have a need to panic. For me a trigger was Palpitations it would put the fear of god in me and it would trigger adrenaline release which would increase my heart rate , which is the worst thing when you are having palpitations it makes them come faster and stronger. DUH it would trigger more fear and more adrenaline and the cycle continued. Now imagine accepting the original palpitation as common non threat. WOW do you see how that would stop the Cycle? Well ive learned that and more and would love to share with anyone interested . I WANT TO HELP. If youd like to chat e-mail me ill try to get you thru this I know you can even if you have no hope i guarantee it. Sorry i dont have more time to type now but will be back Dont forget if you want ill accept yout emails


03-01-07, 12:15
Hi Dan,

Welcome to NMP. I agree with all of what you say, and am glad to hear you have overcome it.

Nel xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

03-01-07, 13:30
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> For me a trigger was Palpitations it would put the fear of god in me and it would trigger adrenaline release which would increase my heart rate , which is the worst thing when you are having palpitations it makes them come faster and stronger. DUH it would trigger more fear and more adrenaline and the cycle continued. Now imagine accepting the original palpitation as common non threat. WOW do you see how that would stop the Cycle? Dan

<div align="right">Originally posted by misterg - 02 January 2007 : 21:52:33</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Yes it was the trigger of palpitations that actually brought me to the site nearly 2 years ago. Meg who used to post on here told me to regard them as no more irritating than I would a run of sneezes, that has helped enormously. I can't say I like them but they don't have quite the effect on me that they used to do!

Welcome to the site :D


"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

04-01-07, 09:53
Likewise, it was my palpitations which first 'created' my panic attacks and lead to meds.

In addition, I now have chest pains/tightening/burning sensations. Whilst I am on meds, I do believe that understanding that they are NOT HARMING you in any way, they are just a bl**dy nuisance and a bit unpleasant you can help cope with them. I also quietly tell my pains and irritations to "... go away, they are not bothering me so they might just as well not exist!" It does sort of help.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself which feeds the original fear. If we can get our head around that (not always easy), we can often take control of situation.


04-01-07, 10:49
yep I agree, its called "castrophising" &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; is that how its spelt ?,lol.

situation: palpatations.

thought: Oh my god , my hearts going fast it feeels like im going to die........ or

thought: my hearts going faster, I must be excited :D
