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02-11-14, 16:55

I'm a 28 year old Finnish male who has a very difficult case of health anxiety for the lack of a better term. I think I started with this problem of mine about ten years ago with the last year being by far the most difficult of my "episodes" ever.

The fact is that I also suffer of depression at times, which may be hard to believe of me if anyone reading this would know me in real life. I have a tendency to monitor my bodily functions way too much.

I am an office worker with neck&back problems that have increased over the years. I try to exercise alot and keep my weight down, but I could be slimmer and in better physical condition, I suppose.

Mostly I fear cancer. Right now I'm absolutely terrified over testicular cancer due to pain in my testicles, groin and lower back. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow, but I fear that it will take time until all of the tests have been made to satisfy me.

I've had these "scares" a few times before. I spent my last summer vacation absolutely terrified over colorectal cancer which ruined everything and before that many years ago I ran to various doctors and tests over a supposed heart disease.

My closest relatives have a hard time understanding all of this. I am not in the best of terms with my parents, since they are not the sorts of people who would understand the deeper motives behind this and first of all they're not very sensitive people towards these sorts of "false alarms" that I constantly keep on producing.

My fiancee tries to be supportive, but I can see it in her eyes that she's also having a hard time trying to support me when I go absolutely crazy.

I've had panic attacks and shivers at times. Usually my mind is cleared after the health care professionals have made ENOUGH tests, but around here it is very hard to get into a public sector hospital or health care center for diagnosis in a very short time.

Last time when I feared colorectal cancer it took me about three weeks to get into a public sector hospital to see a doctor. The nurse who booked me into the hospital via telephone did not seem that worried over my symptoms and just told me that I had been able to cope with my problems so far, three additional weeks wouldn't be a problem. Luckily before this I had been in a private hospital for blood tests, but I knew that the tests I needed for further confidence were to be made at the public side.

I feel that my life is very depressing, since I always fear that it will only be a matter of time until I become sick with something serious again once I've dealth with the last false alarm.

02-11-14, 17:53
Hi just wanted to :welcome: you to the forum. Hope you find it as helpful and supportive as I have.

02-11-14, 18:12
Hello there

You are definitely in the right place here to talk about your health anxiety concerns. There's so many people are going through the same thing here.

I know it's easy to say, and i've been so guilty of this - even today - but DO NOT GOOGLE. If you want to come on the internet then come onto this site and talk to people about health anxiety but goggling symptoms does nothing but cause huge amounts of anxiety.

Read the posts of people here who have been through what you are going through and have come out the other side - that always brings me hope when i'm feeling overwhelmed.

Take care