View Full Version : Anxiety about my mum..again

02-11-14, 20:00
Hi guys,

Been a bit of a bad night for me. My mum is in A&E again tonight after having an indigestion like feeling in her stomach/under her heart since yesterday. If some of you have read my previous post, you'll know that i care a lot for my mum and my anxiety at the moment is really focused on her. She has high blood pressure (and is going through menopause) and since being a First Aider and anxiety sufferer, my mind keeps thinking that she is experiencing a Heart attack warning symptom or something (or is having one). Sorry to trigger anyone but im feeling so anxious atm and i cant think straight.

thanks for your support guys

02-11-14, 20:49
Hi Emma,

I'm really sorry to hear about your Mum, i know it must be such a worry.

The one good thing is that she is in the best possible place at the moment - they will run tests on her in A&E, to make sure there isn't anything seriously wrong. If she is experiencing a heart attack or any warning symptoms, you can be sure those are the things they will check for first. But i'm sure it's not anything like that.

It's perfectly normal to be anxious when your Mum is in hospital - but the guys there are experts and they will help her whatever she has,

Take care

02-11-14, 21:02
Thankyou Irish london,

Shes just come back and she can barely talk or move. She was given an ECG and was supposed to go for a scan HOWEVER, the didnt give her the scan and gave her another patients medication.... Sometimes the NHS is ridiculous!!!

God im so scared...

02-11-14, 21:33
I know sometimes the NHS can be bad - but it's actually an amazing thing when it works properly. I often think god help us if we lived in the states and couldn't afford insurance - it would be terrifying.

How come she didn't get the scan? Can you go back tomorrow? If things get bad tonight, you can always call the 111 service who can give you advice on what to do. Please don't be scared.