View Full Version : Does anyone keep ruining life when drunk ?

02-11-14, 20:01
Its happened again. I barely ever drink but when I do its fair to say, I go insane and very unpredictable to the point it scares me.
yesterday I was having a really good day and felt a sense of optimism. So in good spirit I made the fatal error of popping into a bar for a 'quick drink'. Quick drink quickly became a session and I ended up getting arrested. I'm absolutely gutted and disappointed in myself. I seem to dig myself into holes and make my life much harder for myself. I've been in cell all day but I've felt utterly depressed and ashamed. I could hit myself for falling for it again.
I woke up with a dread and worried what I'm going to do. I am now on bail so won't be able to work and will probably lose my flat. I'm so pissed off with myself. Another struggle to get my life on the straight again. Its amazing how one choice can completely ruin your life.

02-11-14, 20:46
They let you keep your phone (I assume you're not at a computer) in the holding cell?

Positive thoughts and good luck

02-11-14, 21:28
I'm at home now. They let me out at about 5ish. Not good. I have bail conditions.

02-11-14, 21:51
Sorry to hear this mate. Are you getting any help regarding the drinking? Might be worth it if not. Having things like this hanging over your head can't be doing much good for your anxiety?

03-11-14, 08:06
Yes the police offer counselling services to me so I should get phone from them soon. Just fed up of doing it mate. Every criminal record I've had has been from alcohol. No idea what to do. Maybe speak to citizens advice or somet
hing. Really am gutted.

03-11-14, 08:46
Are there any alcohol & substance misuse groups in your area? Or any charities that work with people with these issues?

03-11-14, 10:02
I got referred to one by the police so I should be hearing from them soon. I'm going to look around today to see if I can get help and advice, not only for mental issues but relating to the prospect of being homeless.

04-11-14, 07:45
I think there might be some fellowship services that help with these types of issues, so its definately worth a look. When I used to attend the charity walk-in sessions for anxiety & depression, 2 of the guys there had been through alcohol & substance misuse and they attended these other groups as well for those specific issues. I think one might have been called The Richmond Fellowship, but its going back a year or so, I can't be sure whether it was that or whether thats relevant in your case.

04-11-14, 07:49
Cheers Terry will look into it. Last night I found an organisation that is specific to offenders. Its called 'Apex' so I'll check that out and see what advice they can give.