View Full Version : so many things

02-11-14, 22:54
pretty constant chest discomfort with nipping sensation on left side
pins and needles
feeling faint
difficulty eating/swallowing
general body aches
mild fever 38
more anxious
difficulty sleeping
heartburn 24/7

does anyone else get this or is it down to stress rather than panic as have been having on and off 2 weeks now and currently having a reasonable stressful life re finding work/rent etc etc

thsnks in advance

18-11-14, 22:19
Ive had many of these symptoms before, they can be caused by anxiety, the best thing to do is go to the doctor who can check you don't have anything wrong, which you probably dont but its more for reassurance, and then can help you with how you are feeling, anxiety does have lots of symptoms and the more time dealing with them by googling and focusing on them the more you will get and worse the problem shall be. I hope you find a better state of being!