View Full Version : **Heat in chest and throat**

03-11-14, 12:06
Hi All

I've had a slowly increasing anxiety/heart neurosis problem for past 2 years. I get all sorts of strange feelings and the only test I'm yet to have is a 24 hour tape to catch the palps/ectopics, every other test has come back fine.

My question is, can anyone distinguish between the different feelings I experience? One will be a definite ectopic beat which is felt as a skip then thud in the chest, however the other wil be more of a weird throat flutter sensation. It still feels like something 'odd' is going on but I just don't know if it's even linked to my heart at all?

Getting fairly depressed now with my quality of life.. hardly leave the house due to anxiety issues and the fact I don't want my heart to 'play up' in public. I have a constant need to be within close proximity to a hospital too... rediculous I know!! I'm due to start NHS CBT in a couple of weeks, and hopefully soon get a 24 hour tape too... I'm hoping these will both sort my head out and let me become more care free about my heart/anxiety. What do you guys think?

Ps. I was prescribed 25mg beta blockers around 3 months ago too but these don't seem to do much as I have a fairly low heart rate anyway and they certainly haven't curbed the amount of ectopics. (1-10) on a good day and around (20-40) on a bad day... Is this alarming?:unsure: