View Full Version : Anxiety anniversary

03-11-14, 17:38
Hi guys. It's been almost a year to the day (November 8th) that my anxiety disorder reared its ugly head. Obviously I'm doing so much better now and I would say I'm recovered to better than I was even before I got sick, but I can't stop thinking about it being a year since. I guess I'm scared its going to trigger things off again. Wondering if it's a winter thing, or just knowing how I was this time last year will be enough. I know there's no physical or even sensical reason I would get bad again because of this, but I'm curious to hear what other people have been through. Did anniversaries ever set you off or how did you get through it?

Thanks :)

03-11-14, 17:55
Congratulations. It's amazing how much you can achieve in a year, keep it up.

My 11 year anniversary was in September, completely forgot about it because I was on my wedding anniversary holiday. The year before was a strange feeling because it reminded me of how much of my life the anxiety and depression took away from me, but I was undergoing CBT at the time which helped me combat my anxiety.

03-11-14, 17:58
If you've moved on from a negative event move on from it don't dwell on it

03-11-14, 18:06
I think what you're describing is common.
I had what I describe as a nervous breakdown 5 years ago. It was at its worst in the Autumn, and every year, as the nights draw in, I remember how bad I felt. I think it's only natural to connect things to other things - so for me, even though I love Autumn, it will always be connected in my head with the worst time in my life.

This year,I have struggled again (due to losing a friend to breast cancer) but I refuse to let it become a bigger deal than it is. I am bigger than the anxiety I sometimes experience.

---------- Post added at 18:06 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ----------

If you've moved on from a negative event move on from it don't dwell on it

Dave's right - thoughts about last year are bound to come up, but just let them float past and don't dwell on them. They are just thought, they are not who you are.

04-11-14, 15:45
Thank you all :)

04-11-14, 18:02
Association can be a right pain with panic/anxiety. For years I remembered the time to the minute that I had my first pa. I was aware of it every week when the time came around.

Don't know it. It's irrelevant anyway. December wasn't it. No July 15th. Or was it November 19th. Yeh that's it. Or was it August.

All of its best forgotten. It's a phase that has come and gone. It's been gone for ages now and that's really good news.