View Full Version : Nausea all day :(

03-11-14, 17:48
Anyone else experience this? From the minute I wake up to when I go back to bed now, my appetite getting less and less. I do not vomit and I have no problem eating.

03-11-14, 18:26
I do! Dr prescribed me Omeprazole for excess acid which helped a bit and I have recently been prescribed Cyclizine to help with the nausea. I've been like it for about a year now

03-11-14, 18:54
Nausea is really common when you're suffering from anxiety.
Your stomach is described as your second brain - it is affected by your emotions.
If you are able to, eat little and often - anything that takes your fancy. The nausea will go as your anxiety lessens.

03-11-14, 19:31
Fatty foods, dairy, fizzy drinks, tomatoes and processed foods make it worse. Make sure you have breakfast and something that will sustain your stomach like porridge or toast. Eat regular meals and it will help. :)