View Full Version : Panic from eating

03-11-14, 18:50
New here. I've seen some some posts similar to my problem, but mine seems a little different.

Three and half years ago, I started getting panic attacks after eating. I would go periods without being able to eat much at all, but then I'd slowly come out of it and be able to eat like normal (kind of -- still no refined sugars, caffeine, etc.).

Since then, I've had panic attacks or panicky feelings after eating during certain periods. It usually comes in clusters that last weeks -- periods during which I cannot eat without having panic sensations. And I lose a bunch of weight.

I'm currently going through one of those periods, and the only things I can kind of tolerate to eat/drink is water, coconut water, avocados and raw egg yolks (don't ask me how I found that out). Ate an apple last night, and it sent me over the edge. I noticed a "releasing" sensation (don't know how else to describe it -- not pain) in my lower stomach and a lot of gas/bloating/burping).

Anyway, does anyone have a similar experience? And now that I'm in the thick of it, I feel like I will never be able to eat "normally" again. I have gotten testing from the doctor: cholesterol, fasting glucose, triglycerides are fine. No adrenal tumor.

I feel like my psych/GP think I'm hysterical, but I feel these symptoms are triggered by a physical/organic cause. Does anyone have input? Thank you for reading.

03-11-14, 20:03
I completely understand where you are coming from and can I suggest that you try eating in a different position from your normal one. Whether it is a chair or a room. Eat things that you really like. Keep your meals small and often until you can build them back to normal. Drink Green Tea, that calms the stomach, pasturised milk is good for lining the stomach as well as being good for you. Ice-cream and Almond nuts are good for snacking as well as being good for you. Also do something else while you are eating, like reading, watching TV or chatting to other people will take your Mind off of the matter. Hope this helps a bit. :)

03-11-14, 20:59
God sake just eat there's people out here with real problems

03-11-14, 22:25
You may or may have not seen my huge thread on my ongoing eating issues. My problems with food began with certain foods making me feel full or bloated and uncomfortable after eating them. Therefore I ended up eating less and less and developing a major fear about most food. Try to catch this before it gets bad, eat little and often like others have said. By eating small amounts you are less likely to notice the feeling of the food in you, therefore the anxiety has nothing to latch on to and worry about.
As with other panic, the only way to desensitise yourself to it is carry on even while you experience the panic except don't put any extra worry into it. Harder done than said though, trust me I know!
Food is a risky thing to have fear with, it is a very real problem and can have serious consequences so don't feel like you're wasting time!
Just work on coming out of it like you have in the past, good luck :)

03-11-14, 22:41
Hi tbanz :) I have been experiencing panic about eating too and for a year and a half I was fine but it's come back again in the last week, so I feel your pain *hugs*.
Have you tried distracting yourself whilst your eating/feeling panicky - watch tv, go online, speak/text/type to people. Also try relaxation techniques like meditation, breathing exercises etc...
You WILL get back to eating/feeling normal again. Talking therapies are good too, maybe ask your gp/psych about getting referred for some therapy and they can also give you medication to help.

Hope this helps :) *hugs*