View Full Version : Had my consultation diagnosed ocd.

03-11-14, 21:15
Had my initial consultation today and was diagnosed as ocd. Also my questionnaire put me as mild. I was very surprised at that as sometimes I feel like an absolute nutter! Unless its because I'm not psychotic, alcoholic or suicidal! Now realised it all boils down to me being just a bit (lot!!!)obsessed with making sure me or none of my family gets ill or dies. I have decided to have online counselling as I think it will be easier for me that way.
I have saved the other ocd online support link just in case but I have found I like coming on here as it helps me realise I am not totally abnormal. I have loads of fears and phobias and obsessions but even having that initial bit of 'real' input has made me understand slightly! Some of my things I still think that they are perfectly sensible precautions thank you very much! but I do get a bit overworked up about them.(obsessed!)

06-11-14, 04:45
I take it you had one of the scoring mechanisms?

The severity can be based on how many different forms you have and how highly you score them which is based on how anxious they make you feel and/or how much of your life they control.

I wouldn't worry too much about whether its mild or not, you know you need help with it and you know its not how you want to be, so thats all that counts.

Give it a try and have a look at Mindfulness, my therapist put me onto it and it worked better for my OCD than CBT did. You may prefer counselling or CBT which may work better for you than it did for me, so please don't be put off, its just my experience with my combined GAD.

08-11-14, 22:15
Thanks! yes the scoring mechanism, loads of questions with marking from 'not at all' to 'every day' or 'on a scale of 1 to 10...'
I think mindfulness was mentioned at my initial appointment too. I am willing to try as much natural stuff as possible before I revert to trying the medication again.
One of my first online questionnaire questions was 'how does this affect your daily life?' Writing down everything that affects my daily life I couldn't believe how much of it there was.
I was tempted to put in the Any other Comments box, 'Please don't lock me up!!!'

09-11-14, 07:50
Yeah, thats all the standard ones they use. I used to have to fill one of them in everytime I saw my CBT therapist so they can track you.

The therapist will take detailed notes in discussion as well which will help them determine what is causing or driving this and helps them determine what course of action to take.

You've got your foot in the door now so use this time productively to get a good grounding in it all. Even if you still have reached your goals as your therapy ends, thats ok, you just continue implementing it all and following what they have taught you do to.

Have a look on the Natural Remedies and Top Tips boards as well where its all natural stuff. There is plenty on Mindfulness on the Therapy board with resource recommendations.