View Full Version : Landed myself in it.

04-11-14, 11:06
I have sort of landed myself in it. Tomorrow my brother has people going round his flat to install a new window and front door (he's recently moved in). He will be at work for 12 hours and has asked me to stay there whilst they carry out the job. I felt like I couldn't really say no so I have said I'll be there. I feel so panicky now though. I don't feel like I can do this at all. I will have to be around complete strangers and talk to them and if I have a panic attack, the landlord will think I am a weirdo. I don't know what to do. I was going to try and get out to the shops today but I can't even rouse myself to have a shower now because I feel so panicky. I don't think I can do this. I think I've only posted this in the hope that someone will tell me something that will magically make me feel better.

04-11-14, 11:29
Does your bro know about your anxiety ?

05-11-14, 10:09
Yes he does. In fact, I bailed on him and he's had to take the day off of work at short notice. So now I feel incredibly guilty which means my anxiety is still bad =[