View Full Version : The 'I'm Feeling GOOD' Thread

04-11-14, 12:36
Most people only visit this site when they're feeling rubbish, or scared, or looking for reassurance.

Try this - come on here when you are feeling GOOD, and post in this thread about how good you are feeling. Then, when you feel bad, come back to this thread and realise that feeling bad is temporary, and that you do feel good sometimes.

It's an experiment, but it requires your help to work. Let's see if it helps people feel better in general.

04-11-14, 12:47
Great idea!

I'm feeling good because I've been through a phase of anxiety, HA and depression and got out of it with self-help, using the ever-wonderful Claire Weekes and mindfulness.
I even think I've come out of it better than I was before, because it's taught me to slow down and not over-react.

04-11-14, 13:26
I'm feeling good today, because last week, I was having a blip and thought I was back to square one. Instead of going into a flat spin like I usually do, I used my CBT skills and my plan and got back on track very quickly.

04-11-14, 14:19
I'm feeling good lately even though the clocks have changed and I normally go down hill badly at this time of year (20mgs of Citalopram seems to work for me). I have also just found out I am having an operation in January and it's not scaring me. also, I have been feeling SO good that I have started socialising again....who'd thunk it!!!!:D


04-11-14, 14:22
I'm feeling encouraged because I feel better than I have in a while....I moved house over the weekend and was lifting and carrying heavy items for two days straight and, even though I felt "off" (my usual dizzy/lightheaded symptoms), nothing bad happened (big surprise, right!?)...I'm using this as a reminder that, if I didn't drop over dead while I was exerting myself that vigorously, I likely won't while I'm sitting at my desk...AND I've woken up the last three mornings feeling refreshed and ready for the day (I typically begin the day with a bout of crying)...all in all, not a true "I've fully recovered" story, but it's a start and I'll take it! :D

04-11-14, 14:45
Hi chickpea which claire weeks book is for HA? X

04-11-14, 15:38
I'm feeling quite good today. Compared to other days, today is plain sailing.

I've walked my dog, gone shopping and I'm now listening to some Christmas music whilst I do a spot of online Christmas shopping. I'm actually really looking forward to the holidays. :yahoo:

And for the first time in over a month, my headache has eased off. :yahoo::yesyes: I'm a happy chappy.

04-11-14, 15:57
I'm feeling good because my driving lately has been the best it's ever been since I started having panic attacks in the car a year and a half ago! I've done quite a few drives where I've only briefly panicked! Feeling much much more confident!

04-11-14, 16:49
Hi chickpea which claire weeks book is for HA? X

It's called Self Help for Your Nerves - great for anxiety and panic.

04-11-14, 17:59
I'm feeling good because i went to the gym for the first time in months. Also had my counselling and she said that I'm making great progress :)

04-11-14, 20:57
This is a brilliant idea.

I'm not feeling ok today...but over the last five years since my anxiety started I've definteky had more good times than bad. So the next time I'm in a feeling great mood I'm definteky posting here.

04-11-14, 21:00
I've got a terrible cold but I still feel good :-) I'm a very happy mood not letting this man-flu get me down!

04-11-14, 21:58
I'm also feeling good because I sing in a Community Choir of 60 people and it's good for my soul AND i also started Ceroc dancing 3 weeks ago which is just great fun....I have not wanted to do anything like this for 4 years!!!!!!


04-11-14, 22:43
I'm feeling a little better today as ive hopped on the scales after a long bout of unintentional weight loss and ive put on 1 1/2 kilos hoping to see the scales rise a few more kilos over the next couple of weeks

05-11-14, 10:12
Excellent so far, keep 'em coming

05-11-14, 13:31
Went to the gp today for my medication/overall state of mind review and in the waiting room, even though I'm very much still suffering with worry over certain things, I had a moment of "I don't know what to tell her about", which is a big improvement from the lists I was taking late august-late September. She also said she can see an improvement in me in 3wks. :) She's also really good about anxiety and the like and tells me how it won't go away overnight but it will go. I feel very reassured to have her in my corner

05-11-14, 14:00
im feeling good as its the first time I went out the house in over a week and not had a panic attack x plus its my birthday tomorrow x

05-11-14, 20:39
Feeling great today. Went out for a little while with a friend, made me forget all the bad things.

06-11-14, 17:15
I'm feeling good, because I've been for a walk in the rain with my dog. Now curled up warm and dry with said dog on sofa.

06-11-14, 17:21
I'm feeling good as I had lunch out with my 2 year old son for the first time on my own. Tested myself and my anxieties and I came up trumps!

06-11-14, 19:40
I'm feeling good because I srvived a board meeting with my directors for two days without even a hint of anxiety
O and it's Friday tomorrow :)

06-11-14, 19:48
I'm feeling good that I sang and played my guitar for hours for the first time in a REALLY long time today.

07-11-14, 03:07
I'm feeling good because I have a vacation in a week and a half!

07-11-14, 11:19
Glad so many have responded - I want this thread to be the shining light through the thousands of negative reassurance seeking threads on this board.

Reassurance-seeking does not work!

07-11-14, 12:34
But sadly Skippy those seeking reassurance wont even look at this thread..which is a shame


07-11-14, 13:03
But sadly Skippy those seeking reassurance wont even look at this thread..which is a shame


This is so true, it makes me sad sometimes for them and everybody. Since we're all going through the same difficult task and help is great, so if we all took these steps together and held each other's hands, it's what this forum is for.

07-11-14, 13:20
How about this?... T.G.I.F.!!!

Positive thoughts!

07-11-14, 14:41
I'm feeling good, because I am alive, I breathe sweet fresh air, I have a warm house to live in, enough food, and the love of my family.

---------- Post added at 14:41 ---------- Previous post was at 14:19 ----------


08-11-14, 01:49
I'm feeling good because it's Friday as well!

08-11-14, 07:11
I'm feeling good because I am no longer crippled with HA. I can look forward to things. I can live in today. I can live in the real world. I FEEL FREE !!!! x

08-11-14, 13:28
I'm feeling good today, because I'm settling down to watch the rugby, with my lovely hubby and son. Also enjoying listening to the deep, contented breathing of my little cairn terrier, who is shattered after his long walk this morning. He's cwtched up on his fleecy blanket, he really knows how to live in the moment.

08-11-14, 23:55
I'm feeling good today because I am healthy, fit, and I only have one year of study left!

09-11-14, 18:20
Im feeling good today because I have just got home from seeing my oldest BFF for the weekend and didn't have a tyre blow out on the motorway coming home like last time:D

09-11-14, 18:50
Feeling good bc I got tons of chores done this morning and now can relax :)

10-11-14, 10:42
Glad to see this thread hasn't dropped off the first page to obscurity yet!

The power of positive thought can not be underestimated. Hope you're all having a good day.

10-11-14, 12:11
Having a good day, my son had his hair cut with no fuss, tears or tantrums. A big deal in this household!

10-11-14, 12:56
went to view a school for my daughter ,cant believe shes starting school next year.It felt nice to be shown around and made me a proud father

10-11-14, 13:38
..well I just feel good today ...no reason:D

10-11-14, 19:43
Feeling good today because I have visitors this weekend and the next and have lots of planned events coming up. and I do not feel utter dread and panic. I also have a big bar of chocolate in the fridge. xx

11-11-14, 02:57
I'm seeking reassurance and I looked at this thread - and smiled!!! Thanks!!!!!

11-11-14, 08:21
Feeling good today because it's a lovely morning , I am going out to work, the kids are content and my house is looking damn good (big thing for me). If I rewind one year I would be painting such a different picture. So I am relieved, proud and HAPPY:hugs: Lucia.

11-11-14, 13:19
Wow, loving these responses!

11-11-14, 13:25
Feeling good today, because I've realised how far I've come since February, when this bout of anxiety started. It's been the worst and longest I've ever had, but that may be a good thing, as I've had to face all my fears. I've proved that even when I've been in the worst of my anxiety, I've still managed to carry on.

I tell myself when I'm frightened of something, "just do it", and so far, that has kept me going.:yesyes:

11-11-14, 18:52
I love this thread:D

12-11-14, 13:01

14-11-14, 11:25
Determined not to let this thread slip into obscurity, but we need your help!

14-11-14, 13:27
I've done this. I was bredridden last year because of anxiety and lost my job + friends. I thought my life would never be better and even thought about suicide. Now, a bit over a year later I'm doing really well and did it without meds. Meditation, support groups and my own will got me, almost, through this!

14-11-14, 13:39
Feeling good, because I've had an enjoyable morning having coffee, cake and conversation with a lovely friend. Now going to do 10 mins meditation and relaxation. :yesyes:

14-11-14, 14:59
It's Friday, it's sunny, and I have a feeling this weekend is going to be fun :)

14-11-14, 16:41
I'm feeling good, two weeks ago I had a resurgence of my HA. I kept reminding myself that all the physical symptoms have happened before and I was fine. I went to meditation classes, got acupuncture, exercised with friends, and today I am feel really good!

14-11-14, 18:44
My HA has been pretty manageable lately and I am doing some great work with my new therapist. Feeling good!

14-11-14, 19:45
After a nasty blip over the last couple of days, today has been much better.
I got out for a long walk with my husband and my dogs, and managed to actually eat without feeling nauseous. Life is good! :yesyes:

15-11-14, 08:07
Feeling good today. Off into London to see the poppies (what's left), have a mooch around the Tate Modern and then off to Spittlefields for some good scran!
...... and I am not worried and I am not wishing it over with :hugs: Lucia.

15-11-14, 13:35
Feeling good today, because even though I woke up with the jitters, I've walked my dog. I'm now listening to sounds of the 80s on the iPlayer and doing a long overdue declutter of my office. Singing along having a bop and imagining I'm in my 20s. ��������

16-11-14, 12:36

18-11-14, 12:43
How are you feeling today?

---------- Post added at 12:43 ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 ----------

Feeling good today, because even though I woke up with the jitters, I've walked my dog. I'm now listening to sounds of the 80s on the iPlayer and doing a long overdue declutter of my office. Singing along having a bop and imagining I'm in my 20s. ��������

Excellent attitude Primula. :yesyes:

18-11-14, 13:56
Feeling good today because the sun is shining in Wiltshire and I am off to walk my dog before it pisses down again:D

18-11-14, 17:26
Just feeling good - life can be sweet.

---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:19 ----------

Infact walking around work today happy as lorry in my 'Trueman Show mode'. I thought should I be so happy all the time it may even pee people off or make them wonder as to why they are not feeling so happy. Then I thought this is you today, feeling really happy make the most of it, grab it, embrace it do whatever because This time last year you were in dire straights. I do not know what tomorrow will bring so I am making the most of this.

18-11-14, 17:27
Love your post Lucia xxx

18-11-14, 17:40
Thanks Mondie ..... and it was Larry I was happy as:winks:

18-11-14, 19:28
Feeling good today, because I have had a busy, productive day at work, and tomorrow I'm going on a shopping trip with my 17 year old daughter. Couldn't have done this 5 months ago.:)

19-11-14, 13:15
Excellent to hear Primula. Hope everyone else is having a good day.

24-11-14, 09:47
I'm happy these days, because I've been accepted for this project: http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT02131883
It's specifically minded at HA-sufferers and after few years of my HA getting gradually worse and slipping beyond my control, finding out about this project feels almost like salvation. Although I'm aware there's still a long ways to go, and that I'll only get back what I put into it.
Last Friday I had my psychiatric assessment, a massive 6 hour session - which sort of really put into perspective the nature of the therapy I've had up to this point. Now I'm waiting for it all to kick off, most likely in the beginning of January.
It is of course free :D
Also, I'm heading into a third consecutive week of not having any particular HA-worries, so things are looking up in that respect, too.

24-11-14, 13:56
Henrik that sounds very interesting. Will you let us know how you get on in January.

I'm feeling good because it's a lovely day, and I have become interested in life again, and whilst this forum has been very helpful, I find I no longer feel the urge log in. I'll still lurk on here but probably wont post very much. I think this might be my recovery. :D

25-11-14, 10:28
Well done Henrik & Primula.

Primula, a great idea is to help others - it's clear who is really struggling on this board. Don't provide reassurance, just give them positive messages and let them know about your own success compared to what you were like - proof that HA can be overcome.

25-11-14, 12:34
I'm feeling good for similar reasons as prim!

The other day I was walking to the cinema and I thought, for the first time in months, "wow I don't think I have an awful disease inside of me." :) (at least my body, my mind could do with an MOT :D)

27-11-14, 12:11
Glad to hear all of you are doing well, too!
I will let you know what comes of it. The only possible downside is, that, since it's for a comparative study, there will be two groups starting with 9 months between them and it's a drawing straws-process, so I wont know before January whether I start immediately or have to wait until September, but I'll cross that bridge when i get to it.
Still feeling fine, although I'm having a few issues with my lower back and some RSI-related wrist and shoulder pains, but I've had those forever and it's not a HA-worry for me (although I'm sure stress and anxiety worsens them). It just interferes a bit with me doing things like going to the gym, playing football etc. and puts a slight downer on my mood.
I'll live, though ;-)

27-11-14, 16:30
That's the spirit Henrik.

Who else is feeling good today?

27-11-14, 16:38
me and for no reason,which makes it feel even better IE its normal to feel this way :D

05-02-15, 10:44