View Full Version : Hello

04-11-14, 17:24
I have suffered with anxiety and panic for years - was on Prozac, then managed for the last 2 years without it and now since Fri been prescribed it again. I have having lots of trouble breathing and everytime I think about it, it sets panic off again. Primarily, started because I smoke and convinced the breathlessless is due to this. First noticed when climbing up hills and huff and puff badly. I am waiting for the Prozac to start working (early days) and so far have had a dry mouth, dry retching yesterday morning, sore throat today and general breathing and panic issues. I hope these are just side effects and that things get better soon. My husband is great with my son but is getting fed up of looking at me with my sad face especially as I can't eat at the moment either. The thought of having to cook and eat dinner with the family instantly makes me feel sick and I have to force it down and try and put a brave face on it. It makes me feel guilty as I just want to lie down on my bed and lose myself in a good book. I understand my husbands frustrations as anxiety is all in the head and there is no logic behind it but somehow when you are caught up in it, it is hard to see that. Anyway found this forum and hoping by reading other stories I will gain some extra support.

04-11-14, 18:13
Hi :welcome: to the forum. There is lots of help and support on here.

05-11-14, 10:46
Thanks for the welcome
Day 5 of taking Prozac and I have the worst heartburn - luckily I had something in the cupboard I was prescribed last time to help. The side effects suck.
I have found smoking increases my anxiety as it makes me have a tickly cough but also know that if I just stop, the withdrawal can also mimic anxiety so can't win. Feel very shaky today and hard to concentrate. Hanging in there, waiting for the constant checking in on myself to stop and the feeling of dread at having to eat. Hope the Prozac kicks in sooner rather than later.
Anyone else know when these side effects will go and the positive effects start as I am finding each day very hard to cope with.