View Full Version : Before Sleep...

05-11-14, 01:41
Heya, never posted on a forum before but this website is just so great i thought i'd give it a go.

Been anxious about various things my whole life, but suffering from panic attacks on and off for a couple of years now (I'm almost 20). The last spell has been the worst by far, started about a month ago, i've been bombarded by new anxiety symptoms almost on a daily basis.

The thing that kicks me off is always my heart beat/rate.

So tonight i'm still awake because as i got into bed and started to wind down my heart rate increased to well over 130 and ive had to get up and come sit downstairs with my dog.

This website is great for when im panicking (when i'm not too consumed by panic to read it)!

I'm having this weird vibrating feeling in my chest (like when your stomach rumbles, but fainter and in my heart), as well as palpitations which im almost completely ****ing used to by now.

Would be really great to hear if you guys are experiencing something similar, as i'm now convinced that i have persistant/permanent "Atrial Fibrillation".

Thanks in advance, Alex


Sorry for the essay.

05-11-14, 06:34
I'm sorry you are feeling that way - at the same time, the timing of your post couldn't be better - I am experiencing that at this very moment. It's been weeks possibly months since I've had this too, but tonight, as soon as I got into bed and laid on my back, my heart went nuts and I got palpitations. The SEEM to be subsiding a little right now, but I'm almost afraid to fully lay down as they may start again!

I'm sure you don't have AF. I've had these episodes SO SO much over the years - one so bad once all night into the a.m. that I had my ex drop me off at the hospital at 5am and I stayed there all day on monitors - they picked up some palpitations - in fact a TON of them but after the monitoring and EKGs and other tests they said I was totally fine minus a potassium deficiency (I ate really bad and drank a lot back then too so I'm not surprised at all about the p.d.).

Of course as I'm typing this I'm getting that hollow rumbling occasional palpitation again! It sucks so bad. I haven't been on here in quite a while, but believe me, if I'm on here you know it's bad/I'm bad. I found way too much stress, caffeine and not enough sleeps are good causes of this - seems to ONLY happen after that for me. And I've had all 3 a lot recently. I guess just try anything to de-stress.

.... and I worry about dying all the time too - I think a lot of us do! Part of health anxiety I think/anxiety in general/not knowing what is after life thing. And believe me when you have palps, it can feel like death and cause that worry. But yeah, words of hope for ya.... I'm 29 in a month.... had this diagnosed for 10 years now (suffered longer) and have had a million palps, breathlessness episodes and restless nights and I'm still sane.... well moderately sane.... considering my current stress levels.

Hope you have felt better by the time you see.

05-11-14, 16:55
Thanks so much for the reply, i did finally manage to get about an hour of sleep last night :L.

Its 5pm now i just got back from work, and to be honest my bpm has still been high all day, no idea what is the cause of this but im not exactly optimistic about going to bed tonight :weep: .

Am on my second day of my first ever anti depressants though so maybe its that.

Much love to everyone reading this, hope we all get our respective issues solved soon.

"I think, therefore I am anxious."


06-11-14, 17:08
hi the trouble is and im one to talk lol you have already pre empted a problem now when falling asleep so your body presumes tonight when you go to sleep something drastic is going to happen so it will keep you awake with a whole host of symptoms

hope that helps you need to keep your mind occupied before bed

09-11-14, 13:47
Hi im also worried about bed time i dread it with a passion. The last week ive woken up and im exhausted all day and i do sleep most of the way through but i dont usually get to sleep till 1 or later. Its really draining.

I find my stop anxiety and depression app off android helps..

I also worry about dyin mainly from heart attack. I have skippin pausing and alsorts x

10-11-14, 13:14
hi amylee your not going to die of a heart attack at your age(1982)? unless you've been confirmed as clinically ill which I presume you haven't ... you are causing the skipping and pausing with unused adrenaline...it is caused by your own thought pattern of worry your body doesn't understand your worried of a heart attack it just understands theres a problem a FEAR so its filling your body with fuel that's not being used youll then start to experience muscle spasms in the chest wall fluttering heart beats pains in your arm every symptom of a serious illness which will fuel the anxiety cycle and it will just happen again tomorrow

stop scanning your bodys vitals if you already do that youll drive yourself mad like listening feeling your pulse

Ive done it all been there done that still here ruined a year of my life

kris xx