View Full Version : citalopram

03-01-07, 00:39

Has anyone been on citalopram tablets? My doctor prescribed these for me a few days ago and to scared to take them because afraid of bad side effects//just want to know if anyone has been or is on them and if they helped you//i know i'm a wimp just don't want anymore horrible things happening



03-01-07, 00:55
hi riochet yes i was on them for 2 yrs they helped me alot.as for side effects i didnt really notice any starting or coming off.if there are side effects as everyones different they normally dissapear after a few weeks.good luck tracy

03-01-07, 01:09
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi riochet yes i was on them for 2 yrs they helped me alot.as for side effects i didnt really notice any starting or coming off.if there are side effects as everyones different they normally dissapear after a few weeks.good luck tracy

<div align="right">Originally posted by tam - 03 January 2007 : 00:55:34</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

thank's for that Tracy maybe i will give them a go see how i get on. I will be ecstatic if they help me ha ha//again thanks for reply

03-01-07, 01:32
Hi Ricochet - tried them for 2 weeks, weren't for me. Not really bad, just didn't feel with it. Been prescribed a few things over the last 6 months, and the only one I wouldn't take again ever is Trazadone. I don't mind being a bit off but Trazadone turned me into a zomby.


03-01-07, 05:49
Hi Rocochet. I'm on citalopram for about an year now. I was so scared as you are now, but they really helped me out and i'm a lot better. About the side affects i just had a light headache at the begining but went away as my organism adjusted to the pills. Try them, but dont think too much about side effects because its worst. If you feel bad just stop taking them and ask your doctor, they say there is a pill for every organism, may be these are for you may be not, just give it a shot.
Nothing terrible will happen!

tc xx


03-01-07, 11:36
Hey Richard,Iv been on citalopram for years now.They have helped me alot.The side affects lasted two weeks.I hate taking new meds,but had to.You will be ok,its just your body getting used to them pet.;)Its usually neausea,and they can make you sleepy.

Ellen XX

03-01-07, 14:34
hi ive ben on them now for a few months and i feel fine not really had side affects although i do have headaches more than usual but doctor doesnt think its meds. good luck[^]

gill ellis

03-01-07, 15:20
Hi Richard

I've been on Citalopram (20mg/day) now for about 4 months. Intitally the side effects were horrible, headaches, nausea, tired etc but after about 5 weeks I started to notive a difference. I think it took 5 weeks for me as I had a couple of big stressors in the way during that period so I was running to stand still!!

In the past I have had amitryptelene and venalflaxine, Citalopram is definately better for me and I have noticed the difference.

Hope that helps


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