View Full Version : ectopics when to worry?

05-11-14, 11:06
I was diagnosed with left ventricle ectopics a couple of months back which for someone like me who has had a phobia of dying from something heart related has ruined my life

they started off as a sudden sensation in my throat and didnt know what it was till they caught it on an ECG after that they seemed to change to a huge thud in my chest after a pause

but now I can sort of feel when they are about to happen seconds before is that normal? my heart starts going out of synch for a couple of seconds like thudding hard then PAUSE ..BANG restarts is that normal? and along with that I go weak and dizzy and have a headache afterwards for a few minutes and the other day for some reasonmy heart just randomly shot up to 130 beats a minute when i was sitting down I called an ambulance and they said it was just a panic attack and I didnt go to hospital

Im really worried that things are getting worse I have had an echo which came back normal except slight bowing of the mitral valve, had a 24 holter which I was told they found a few ectopics but no other sinister rhythms and awaiting my results from 24 blood pressure monitor.

I have maybe 3 a day that I feel on a good day and on occassion I can go maybe 2 days without one at all (that I can feel anyway) my biggest fear is having sudden adult death from it where you collapse and die

pleae can anyone give me some advice what i should do? I was given 1.25mg of bisporol beta blockers but I havent taken them as I have anxiety about taking any medicine because side affects will make me freak out and end up in the hospital waiting room

05-11-14, 12:02
Hi there Fabio. I'm not doctor, not even close.. but I think I know the answer for your question.

When you feel that sensation "2 seconds before", that's when you actually had the premature beat. The big BANG is the next normal beat, and usually after a premature beat your heart accelerates a little for a few secs, then it slows down again. Some people feel dizzy with PVCs / PACs, some people have pain, some feel nothing but the "fluttering"...

I feel my PVCs exactly like you. I have that weird feeling on my throat and I know the BANG is coming. I think the dizziness and weakness and tachycardia are all because of your anxiety. At least I have all of these symptoms, and panic attacks as well.

So, I think its not coincidence that I can see myself on your description. I hope it makes you feel better.

Take care and good luck.

05-11-14, 12:09
The ectopics they caught on the ECG had their origin in your left ventricle. That doesn't mean that all of the ectopics you might experience originate there, I guess. Now, if the ectopics do bother you, to the point of compromising your daily life, you should take the beta-blocker they gave you. If you have no contraindication, they are safe drugs. Or else, if anxiety is the underlying condition causing the ectopics, get it treated or managed by a professional. I can totally relate to your story, I've been and I am surely still there... But not taking any medicine will just make it worse. I've done that for some time and I didn't get any better until I stopped and accepted treatment.

05-11-14, 14:27
You may be having short runs of ectopic beats. Or you might not be, I used to get hard beats on waking sometimes which weren't early beats. You should mention to your doctor if this wasn't captured on a 24 hour monitor.

I've seen studies which show around 1/5 newborn babies, 1/2 of teenagers, 2/3 of young adults and pretty much everyone by age 50 has at least one ectopic a day.

Of course, we're in the unlucky minority who feel the damn things. :)