View Full Version : panic attackssssss

03-01-07, 01:59
hi everyone out there i am new to this site. i am looking for some help i am 34 and for the last 9 years i been havings attacks. the docter said they panic attacks at first the attacks were not to bad but the last 2 years they been very bad i try all types of drugs but they do not seem to work . i can not do a lot even through i try to get on with my normal life as i am married and got children they all good to me but it killing me to cope all the time with the attacks they really frighted me .

i get shortness of breath and fast heart beat and pale skin ligheadness and very dizzy i have fainted a few time i just black also i pick on anyone when i get the attacks . can stress cause this much please some one help me if you feel the same way or been through it your self


03-01-07, 03:15
Hi Olivia,

A big warm welcome to you. It was nice chatting to you.

Take Care


03-01-07, 11:24
Hi Olivia and welcome.We all understand here.You will get lots of support.Stress and panic can makes you frustrated and then you can get snappy.

Ellen XX

03-01-07, 23:00
Hi Olivia

i also suffer from panic attacks. i have the shortness of breath, go pale,light headed and dizzy, sometimes my heart will beat fast while this happens and sometimes it feels as if it's missing beats and about to stop. I haven't fainted but felt very near to it. Been in A&E a few times because i felt that ill but they said everything was fine. Going to see Psychologist tomorrow, people tell me they are a big help. Don't know if you have ever seen one, if not maybe you should give it a go it may help as i'm hoping it will help me.

Sorry i can't be much help to you yet but just wanted to let you know you are not on your own with these attacks of anxiety and panic. There are lots of friendly people on this site that may be able to help a lot more

Hope you are feeling better really quickly


04-01-07, 20:23
Hi Olivia

And Welcome, many of us have felt or feel exactly the same, so you have come to the right place for help and support. You say you have tried drugs hun, how long did you stay on them for as they can take a couple of months to start working.
Take a look at the first step pages they may help.

First Steps:
First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

04-01-07, 21:38
Hi Olivia

Welcome to the site. You've come to the right place for support and advice. There is a lot of info on the home page here which I personally found very reassuring. [^]


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.