View Full Version : what can I do right now to calm myself?

05-11-14, 16:01
2 weeks ago I had my first mammogram, they asked me to come back for more pictures. I had a panic attack, spent a couple days convinced I had breast cancer. Everything was fine. They told me this happens a lot with first time mammograms.

now this week, I am waiting for a biopsy result and totally freaking out. I cannot sleep, I cannot be present with my family. Even though Ive been told these are mostly benign, I can't stop worrying. I have had about 10 years of HA, but had a nice break in there of about 7 years where I was having kids where i actually didn't worry! probably because I was seeing a doctor a lot:)

I am going to my primary care physician tomorrow to see about meds, maybe CBT. But what can I do right now? I've gone on a walk, tried to meditate (not good). I think i may go out with a friend after work.

what are your coping mechanisms?

thanks in advance

05-11-14, 16:10
Hi I do feel for you x

I cope by going out with friends or watching a good lighthearted tv programme. Coming on the internet makes me feel worse as I feel tempted to google about things and dying etc which is not good!

You don't say your age, but the chances are your biopsy will come back fine :)

I am going for a another mammogram soon because of breast changes and I am scared again! :( I like you on my first one had to go back!

05-11-14, 16:15
Yeah I work at the computer all day and I am so tempted to google. I am 40, they took a cervical polyp. DR didn't seem very concerned, but of course, I am in a tailspin.

are these your perceived breast changes? or real? I only ask because there's a lot of lumpy stuff in there!

05-11-14, 17:08
Hi, cmclarke:hugs: Try not to worry(I know this is easier said than done). Remind yourself that you aren't in control of all that happens. Whatever will be, will be. Remind yourself also that there is a tiny chance that your biopsy will be cancerous, but a much bigger chance that it WON'T be cancerous. Tell yourself that if you do get bad news, you will deal with it then, and worrying about it now will not change the outcome. Worrying will only make you feel worse. If , and this is a big if, you do get bad news, tell yourself that you WILL get through this. You did not choose this, it was chosen for you. You will have the support and love you need to see it through.

As someone who also struggles with health anxiety, I have had to learn to talk gently and lovingly to myself, just like I would talk to a dear friend who was going through the same thing. I would never tell my worried friend, "Oh, it's probably cancer, you should worry." We owe ourselves that same amount of compassion. Keep us posted. Blessings!

10-11-14, 17:58
thank you! still waiting, but I will try to be more compassionate to myself.

10-11-14, 18:25
Damn those mammos anyways, eh?

The odds are in your favour. According to Consumer Health Day, more than 80 percent of breast lumps turn out to be benign tumors or cysts.