View Full Version : Anxiety/Heart Worries

05-11-14, 16:44
Good Afternoon,

My anxiety has started this year (ongoing for around 6 months) had several panic attacks which have resulted in calling out paramedics. The issue i'm having lately is a pressure/heavy feeling on the left side of my chest and shoulder along with an ache in my left arm. Having had a few checks at the doctors, ive been told that my heart is healthy and functioning normal.
The panic attacks typically occur in any situation where my heart rate increases, i.e exercise, gigs etc. The feeling on my chest is pretty constant wherever I am however it only escalates into a panic attack when im out somewhere as its easier to deal with at home for example. I just wondered if anyone else experiences similar issues?

Many thanks in advance.

06-11-14, 18:04
hi yes my anxiety will also mimic my biggest fears its purely adrenaline running round your body and over active nerves as you keep thinking about it hth kris