View Full Version : Panic attack and obsessing over breathing

06-11-14, 02:26
Hi everyone.

For the past ten years I have suffered with school phobia, agoraphobia, social phobia and now I have panic attacks. I had a pretty bad panic attack about twelve days ago, and smaller panic attacks almost every day since then. I constantly feel as though I can't breathe, and one of my biggest fears is that I'll stop breathing. I've been obsessing so much over the past week or so about my own breathing, I can't stop thinking about it. Can you really just stop breathing?

I'm taking propranolol 10mg twice a day, but it's not really helping. I also don't want to take strong medication, so does anyone know about any natural medicines/remedies that might help?

16-08-17, 23:28
Hi,I can totally relate to the obsession of breathing

I think about it most of the day and can cause me to panic from time to time
I have also been prescribed propaolol 10mg but ain't taken it yet due to a fear I have which has been gained from others experiences of it
How does it make you feel ?
Are the side effects something to be worried about ?

Panic Stations
24-08-17, 08:02
I can relate to this too. I am constant obsessing over my breathing. I took propranalol years ago when I suffered with panic attacks and I found them really helpful, no side effects just really helped my physical symptoms.

25-08-17, 07:22
I can totally understand the fear of sudden cessation when it comes to breathing. Breathing is supposed to be an automatic response though, so even if you faint or pass out your body still knows what to do. I don't think you'll just stop breathing. I'm not a medical person at all though so you should take my opinion very lightly, but I'd say you might not have to worry so much about it.

:hugs: I hope you feel better!