View Full Version : Leaky Valve

06-11-14, 12:08
I went to hospital today to have a sonogram and he said my heart is working perfectly fine but that I have a leaky valve. I said should I be scared and he said no. He said its not uncommon and that we should just keep an eye on it in case it ever gets worse. Has anybody else had anything similar I'm pretty terrified. Thanks.

06-11-14, 13:35
Hi, I know a someone who was diagnosed with a leaky valve when they were 12, they are absolutely fine (in their mid 30's now) i know someone else who had something similar and their valve was opening the wrong way (or something like like that) they too are absolutely fine.

I know it's hard to not worry. I recently had a heart ultrasound and they found something that they sent me for an MRI scan to check it. I was also told not to worry. the Dr even said that if is was his daughter/sister then he would not be concerned. (of course it didn't stop me worrying).

So try and relax, as the doctor said, it's not uncommon and if they're not worried then you shouldn't be either (easier said i know). :hugs:

06-11-14, 13:48

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

06-11-14, 18:05
Which valve is leaking? The leakage, is it mild, moderate, severe? The heart has four valves.

They caught a mild tricuspid valve regurgitation on the last echocardiogram I had done. A tiny amount of blood flows backward into the right atrium from the right ventricle as the heart contracts. My cardiologist told me it's nothing to worry about nor will it affect me on anything. He said that mild tricuspid valve regurgitation is a common finding.

07-11-14, 10:55
Hi, I know a someone who was diagnosed with a leaky valve when they were 12, they are absolutely fine (in their mid 30's now) i know someone else who had something similar and their valve was opening the wrong way (or something like like that) they too are absolutely fine.

I know it's hard to not worry. I recently had a heart ultrasound and they found something that they sent me for an MRI scan to check it. I was also told not to worry. the Dr even said that if is was his daughter/sister then he would not be concerned. (of course it didn't stop me worrying).

So try and relax, as the doctor said, it's not uncommon and if they're not worried then you shouldn't be either (easier said i know). :hugs:

Thank you and I know I'm probably overreacting. He did say its nothing to be scared about. It's reassuring to hear about the people you know. I just need to be much more positive minded. Thank you very much for your reply its been much appreciated & has really helped. :)

---------- Post added at 10:55 ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 ----------

Which valve is leaking? The leakage, is it mild, moderate, severe? The heart has four valves.

They caught a mild tricuspid valve regurgitation on the last echocardiogram I had done. A tiny amount of blood flows backward into the right atrium from the right ventricle as the heart contracts. My cardiologist told me it's nothing to worry about nor will it affect me on anything. He said that mild tricuspid valve regurgitation is a common finding.

I'm not sure he dust actually go into mich detail. :/ he said that I shouldn't be scared that it just needs an eye on it from time to time he sues he didn't know how long I've had it for. It's how you described though a tiny amount of blood flowing back. He said it would only become a problem if it got worse, and it was a big if.