View Full Version : i need you help

06-11-14, 12:26
i have two lumps one in each bitt cheek/outer thigh,they irritate the muscles surrounding and can last few days the pain goes away fir few days,i been back and forward to numerous gps who said lipomas cyst etc last gp i said in in so much pain i want them removed, she said no, but got a phone call later that day to say we are referring you to see a specialist, within few days the surgeon said feels benign nit to panic will do mri, so week later mri done, week later results, mri didn't pick them up, surgeon said he knew they wouldn't pick them up and said that if they where nasty they would show up, i walked away ok, few weeks go by pain still there and I'm still panicking, i cant shake it off, i want them gone i hate being in pain everything in me feels sucked in draining myself fearing the big c, please help