View Full Version : new strange attacks

06-11-14, 13:52
since over a week ago i have trouble falling to sleep (i think im not going to wake up)

i break out in a sweat, cant get back to sleep and chest tightens - im now so drained from tiredness i dont know what to do as i have had relatively attack free months except flu symptoms

they are now causing horrendous full blown attacks and im obsessed im having a heart attack tho in reality i doubt i am

06-11-14, 16:55
hi this is what happens to me my anxiety was on the day time but then one day I started to feel great in the day I thought this is good then on the night just as I was drifting off my chest pulled tight and I shot up then as I drifted asleep it happened again as soon as I wake all the symptoms go

its absolutely unbelievable

06-11-14, 22:06
thanks for your reply

that is exactly the same as me. was learning to cope with the day time ones but the evening/sleeping ones are just so unreal i feel it has set me right back as i now DREAD going to sleep

08-11-14, 16:21
Heya I'm Alex.

Try not to worry, my symptoms have been exactly the same. I had so many nights where i was too panicked to sleep, with palpitations heart racing etc. But also i've had some nights where i dont feel too bad, but then just as im about to drift off i'd get this shot of adrenaline and be flung awake again.

The best recommendation i can give you is to read through the symptoms article on the nomorepanic website, it really really helped me. I guaruntee 95% (if not all) of the symptoms you are feeling will be listed there.

I'm still feeling pretty terrible but getting better day by day, also i'm waiting for my sertraline to kick in :L.

Stay strong! And be kind to yourself, remember that there are thousands of other people here feeling exactly like you are.

Good luck.