View Full Version : Worried About Bowel Obstruction really freaked out and scared of side effects

06-11-14, 15:54
HI there Ive been having colicy pain left side for 24 hours on and off becoming more frequent so I went to GP this morning and he said I had really bad constipation something I wasnt aware of as I have been having movements but like rabbit pellets so he did a rectal exam and said I was constipated. He gave me fybogel and Buscopan. But I have been reading about buscopan in the side effects and googled it and it said in less than in 1 in 100 it can give you a fast heart beat and I already have atrial fibrillation and I take betablockers for it so I am too scared to take it but I am in pain. I googled bowel obstruction and it freaked me out and now think I may have a bowel obstruction. But surely my GP would have spotted that when he examined me?? I know I am hopeless but I get freaked out and imagine the worst.

06-11-14, 16:20
So basically your doctor said you were FOS eh? Well... you can always take an OTC remedy like Milk of Magnesia. No big deal.

Just bring a book to the bathroom!

Positive thoughts