View Full Version : Thanks to NMP for keeping old posts

06-11-14, 20:35
I would like to thank the NMP staff for keeping my old posts ( and I'm sure everyone elses) . I don't know about other people but when I have a bit of a relapse I delve into my old threads and realise I said similar things as far back as 2007 that I compare to how i currently feel and notice the striking similarity . .
This could be a good idea for some members to try !!!

Thanks NMP :)

06-11-14, 21:08
We have never deleted any posts so you can go back as far as the forum has been running.

I am so pleased it has been a benefit for you as well.

06-11-14, 21:12
I totally agree - I've done exactly that since hitting a bad patch last week. It helps me see there is a pattern to my anxiety and does help with the fear a bit. Thanks No More Panic!!

08-11-14, 03:25
I think you are right and there are other members on here, often on the HA board, who mention this. I think its partially why anxiety diaries can be used so that you can get it out of your head and stop ruminating but also use it to track your recovery, remind you of your successes, pull you out of a blip by showing you that you are not as bad you your think you and reminding you that you have recovered from these stages before so can do it again.

Its so hard to see the true reality when your mind is just negative thoughts and what others say may be comforting but doesn't always sink in so reading your own thoughts should do.