View Full Version : Driving myself mad, doubting test results

03-01-07, 10:18
I had an encounter that I deeply regret on 13th October. I had a swab taken at my doctors surgery for thrush 11 days after and that was clear of thrush. I had a urine sample taken at 12 days past, was tested for chlamydia and that was negative. I then went at 18 days past and I had a swab for ghonorhea . At 6 weeks past I had blood tests at my surgery for HIV and syphallis. All of my tests have been negative.

My dr said there is no need to repeat the hiv test as a 6 week test is enough. Why am I still worrying then if all were negative? it wouldn't of been too soon would it? I am worried the std tests were too soon? I didn't go to a GUM clinic, I had it all done at my drs surgery. The wait to get in at the GUM was 6 weeks and I couldn't wait that long plus with my anxiety I wanted to be somewhere where I knew the dr & nurse.

I am feeling achy, tired, not myself etc..... I don't know if its stress or if im ill. Thinking hiv or something:-( I am going to see my dr in 2 weeks to chat about things but I know he will be cross with me for douting him. Down below feels fine so not sure why im panicking about stds.

Sorry to post again, I feel so so low and alone right now.:(

03-01-07, 11:35
Sorry to hear you are feeling so down. I am sure that if your doctor thought the HIV tests were clear, then they are - there is no way they would send you off into the world if they thought there was even a small possibility you had HIV. They would retest you. You are worrying because that is the nature of our anxiety - it fixes on something to worry about, and when that one is over it looks for something else. I had been doing fine recently but the last few nights I haven't been able to sleep and so now my anxiety is way up again. I am worrying about my heart all over again and have found another medical thing to worry about this morning. Also, if this encounter was something that you really regret, that is probably adding to your anxiety too. Hope you feel better soon.

03-01-07, 11:44
I dont think youre feeling like this because youre ill sweetie i think its because of the circumstances you put yourself in. Im NOT having a go you were obviously fed up and made a mistake which your now paying for but you have to let it go and move on! PM me if you wanna chat!!!

03-01-07, 11:59

I rung my local GUM clinic, they said my GP is wrong and its 12 weeks not 6 weeks for accurate test. I said I had been tested at 6 weeks and it was negative for HIV, she said its wrong and not accurate at all:-( im in bits.

03-01-07, 14:43
Yes but from your previous posts isnt there little chance your infected as you didnt umm go all the way???

03-01-07, 16:42
Hi Jem

I am sorry to hear that you are still worrying about this. I don't know what else I can say other than repeat what I said before Christmas.

"I get the feeling the fear of HIV is not going to go away and you don't seem to be able to accept the doctors medical opinion so I would suggest you should wait until 6 months and go to a private clinic and request another test. The reason I suggest 6 months is that on rare occasions it can take this length of time for antibodies to develop therefore I believe if you have the test done at 3 months you would still have lingering doubts."


If it was me I would pay to have a repeat test done to put my mind at rest.


03-01-07, 18:25
Thanks, I am going to the GUM clinic next week, I have to put my mind at rest.

We had sex but aparently only for 30 seconds and he said he didn't finish inside me.

03-01-07, 20:22
Didnt know that sweetie but the chances of you catching it are still rare!!! A person i know had sex with a bloke who was shagging men but her test was clear and the gum didnt class her as high risk!!!

03-01-07, 20:55
I hope so, thanks hun.

03-01-07, 21:01
Hi Jem,

I really feel for you hun, i know what its like to worry about something , i would definately pay for the test or say to your doctor what you were told by the GUM clinic.
Push for it as its your health and mainly peace of mind at stake here, but im sure that your definately okay.
Take care and keep us posted on how you get on.

shirley xx

03-01-07, 22:17
Thank you.

I am going the clinic next wednesday for all the tests.

06-01-07, 23:35
Hi Jem,

Your story sounds familiar. I had a very similar encounter on 7th December, which I regret. I went to local GUI clinic and had all the tests including hiv after 2 weeks. All came back negative, but I was advised to repeat hiv test after 3 months as it could take this long to show up.

I told them what had happened, and they considered me very low risk. I have been reassured by the guy I was with, and I do believe him. But I still can't stop worrying that I have contracted hiv. It is scaring me senseless. I wish I could have a test now to make sure.

If the GUI clinic is advising 3 months, I am sure this is right, so you are nearly ready to go for another test and put your mind at rest. I have to wait another 2 months! I don't know if I can last, and am wondering whether to go for another test in the meantime. Did you go back to your DR and ask about the 6 week check? Its funny that you are getting different advice.

mail me if you want a chat,


29-11-10, 22:11
If the test were 4th generation P24 antigen & antibody tests then the test results are conclusive at 28 days. The antibody only tests are 12 week conclusive but its un heard of a negative result at 8 weeks change.

GUM clinics even now in 2010 still refer to old testing window periods. BASHH guildines were updated in March 2010 as now show 28 days negative tests should be considered at correct , but a 12 week test should be offered if the patient wants a closed case result.

The new test are very very sensitive and DUO/Combi 4 th gen tests will certainly pick up infection as early as 10 to 16 days with the P24 antigen and onwards with p24 until it reduces and is replaced with the antibody. This happens in all cases of HIV infection. Its very very very very very rare if someone has delayed serconversion response. nd this would be due to a very rare medical response like autoemmune, chemo, etc. Some very respected international professors say its a urban myth

