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View Full Version : Advice as to how to live with health anxiety?

07-11-14, 17:09
How do you guys do it, how do you stop worrying about health anxiety. What works?

I seem to get health anxiety when the winter starts coming, isn't that so odd? In the coldest months, it's when it gets at it's worse.

How do you deal with uncertain lumps youve had for years? Or aches you get? What helps your anxiety subdue? Thanks :)

07-11-14, 17:31
Have you read the sticky threads in this forum - some good advice in there

07-11-14, 17:42
It's not that odd to experience anxiety worst in the winter time. I get this too. It is what is known as seasonal affective disorder. It's all to do with our serotonin levels, and how some people's levels take a dive during the autumn/winter months.

The best thing about it? You know there's an end in sight when spring comes along. :yesyes:

Tips for dealing with SAD-purchase and use an SAD lamp for 20 mins per day. I generally recommend using it in the morning. Just put it to the side of your face, so you can see it but you're not looking directly into it, and do whatever you have to do.

You could also ask your doctor about getting prescribed some SSRIs, which can help balance the chemicals out in your brain, and make things more manageable, at least temporarily. I have heard the effects are quite addictive, so they are only a short-term "solution," but it might be worth talking to them about it.

As for dealing with anxiety in general, I'm still battling my way through the jungle of anxiety. I have OCD, coupled with SAD (which exacerbates it) and health and social anxiety. I'm a barrel of laughs me. :blush::whistles:

A few tips:

1) Accept the diagnosis. If you haven't been to see your GP about your anxiety, do so ASAP. They can officially diagnose you, and get you onto a treatment plan. But if you do receive that diagnosis, accept it. If you must, get a second opinion and if they concur, accept it.

2) Remember, Google is not your friend. At all costs, stay away from it. Do not plug in your symptoms, however trivial they may seem. A common cold will come back as Ebola, and a routine tension headache a brain tumour.

3) Become acquainted with your block feature on your browser. Block those health websites. WebMD, Right (I mean, wrong...) Diagnosis, symptomchecker, NHS, whatever it is, become acquainted with your block feature and block those nasty websites like they're an ex.

4) Stay active. This is a big one. I'm not suggesting that you go on a marathon, or on a ten mile hike, but do things that keep both your body and mind active. Clean a room, go for a walk, read a book, whatever it is, do it.

08-11-14, 12:07
Excellent advice. I would add that you should stay away from the mass media as much as possible when they have a bee in their bonnet about a health topic such as ebola. Seriously, just keep that TV switched off, no internet, no phones and avoid people who are loudmouths and enjoy winding others up with scary news stories or mad conspiracy talk. I know it's increasingly hard in the 21st century to totally unplug from the matrix, but I find I am much better when I do the above and stop letting others set the agenda in my brain and telling me what i should be alarmed about. Whatever it is, they will exaggerate or twist it to suit an agenda, and they won't care a damn if it pushes others into a full breakdown.

08-11-14, 23:48
Great advice already here. I would also suggest seeking support through some form of therapy - counselling, psychologist, online CBT programs. These can be really helpful for learning new coping skills and ways to manage anxiety.