View Full Version : Hello hoping someone can help

07-11-14, 18:10
Hi, I'm a 33 year old female living in the Caribbean, newly engaged you'd think I would be over the moon! but for the last six months more intensely the last two, I have been suffering from crippling anxiety attacks. and today I have joined as I have a dull, burning ache in the left side of my chest, freaking out there's something really wrong with me and I've had enough! How do you get over anxiety, having anxiety attacks? I don't even have anything specific im worried or concerned about. My panic attacks mostly come on when I feel a pain in my chest of my breathing is shallow and short. Can someone, anyone help? :shrug:

07-11-14, 18:19
Hi welcome to NMP. If you look in the articles section on the page you will find links to explain more about anxiety symptoms.