03-01-07, 10:46
My main concern for anxiety is my heart palpitations/missed beats.
But lateley i have been thinking if being overweight is a big cause of it all. I have lost nearly three stone in a year and still have a long way to go but i am constantly worrying if being over weight has damaged my heart etc its like a viscious circle any one else feel like this?

03-01-07, 11:25
Yes, definitely. I am about 3 stone overweight and I do feel it contributes to generally feeling unfit, unhealthy and unwell. Also, because I am so unfit any exertion leaves me puffing and tired - fueling my health anxiety as my heart races and I have to catch my breath. I am trying to lose weight with WW but it is a struggle. I too worry that being obese for 20 years has affected my heart - but you can reverse the effects of heart disease I think by healthy eating, exercise and losing weight. I have had my heart checked with a monitor ecg ect. and been told my ectopics are nothing to worry about, so I presume this would have shown any heart disease. I really feel I need to lose this weight but it is very hard at the moment. How did you manage to lose 3 stone in a year? That is fantastic. Well done.

03-01-07, 13:29
Hi Cazza ,

I too am overweight bout 3st, and i do worry about it affecting my health thts why im determined to lose some this year. I do agree with spuds tht you can reverse the effects as the heart is a muscle.
I get extra scared as my mum has a naturally high cholestral that needs to be managed by meds, plus she had what the doctor calls a mini stroke, just all adds to my anxiety.
Well done for you losing the weight and keep it up, let me in to your secret .

Take care

shirley xx

03-01-07, 19:05
Hi Kazza,

I have been posting about weight issues. I think alot of my anxiety stems from poor self esteem related to my weight. I need to lose more than 3 stone. I have been trying very hard to eat sensibly, but hey, today first day back at work, had a crap day and want to eat chocolate, lots of it, cos it gives me pleasure! I have resisted so far, but dont know if it'll last!

03-01-07, 19:35
Hi I know how you feel! I have had a bad day and i feel the same but we must resist because you only feel worse afterwards.
I have found it really hard to lose weight its a slow process although i have lost 3 stone i still have at least another 3 to go! But healthy eating and exercise is the only way never give up hope carol:D

04-01-07, 05:23
hi all,
i find this interesting, cause i have slowely put on weight over the last 4 years, and am about 12 kilos overweight now..i dont know stone, sorry...and ive noticed this year, that im feeling like crap most of the time..i checked with doc, then signed up at the gym a month ago, but with the anxiety and random dizzy spells, im finding it hard just to 'get into it'...i have ok days where i can handle the workout, and days, like today when i stop 10 mins early, cause i feel dizzy..
although i am copping better then the first two weeks i started....i want to know when the dizzyness is gonna end so i can concentrate on weight loss, rather then feeling like im juggling all a lot of issues- i started at the gym to feel better, and be able to convince myself im not sick, ive been going 3 times a week so far...but i want to go every day, and felt more dizzy when i tried to go today after yesterday...i miss being in my early 20s...lol..when i was thin and always felt fit and didnt suffer anxiety or panic attacks etc...

04-01-07, 11:56
Hi Peach
I know what you mean i have a treadmill at home and the days i struggle and generally dont feel well put me right off! Im sure its the anxiety that kicks in and makes us feel this way its so awful cos we know we need to do this for our health! Yesterday after 25 minutes on the treadmill i had a thumping headache that lasted all night and would not even go with painkillers:(
So this has put me off today.......vicious circle!!

04-01-07, 13:11
so nice to hear its normal... i had to stop exercising after only 25 mins and ran home crying, convinced something is wrong with me, then moped around the house al arvo feeling so anxious, it made me feel unwell, i think maybe im pushing myself too hard too fast, i have been inactive for about 6 years, then to try to do 45 mins exercise after i was sick so often this year...and i cant tell if i feel ill from the anxiety or just cause im overweight..but i agree with you, it feels horrible...guess we just gotta hang in there- like that pict of the cat hanging from the branch of the tree..lol...

04-01-07, 16:41
JUst take it slow and steady... remember any thing is better than none

04-01-07, 16:55
It is definately an issue for me!! I'm stuck at being a couple of stone over which shouldnt be an issue but comfort eating gets in the way.

I know all that I need to do that will benefit me but obstacles kep getting in the way that stop me exercising or eating a more balanced diet etc.

Since I stopped active sport I have ballooned and feel fat and look fat, especially around the face.......cant quite hid that in an XXL!!

January is not a good time to start but it has to be sometime!!

Well done you on your loss so far.


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

04-01-07, 20:21
Hi Carol,

Tis so hard huh!

I bought this stepper thing from Argos and the only use it's had so far is the cat occassionally sleeps on it! LOL.

I often think I'd be happier in myself and panic free if I was really skinny I know that's not the case though.

Good luck hun.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X


11-01-07, 19:52
great topic.

I have gained 2 stonne.

I feel like crap more too.

I think it does add to my anxiety, but so does trying to lose weight.

Low cal, gym, etc does not do it for me anymore.


11-01-07, 19:56
Me too but then I have anorexia and food and weight is the main cause of anxiety for me at present.

11-01-07, 22:54

Congratulations on such a fantastic weight loss! [Wow!] You must be feeling so much better already. I think you can certainly improve your health by losing excess weight. Don't forget that health anxiety will get you to focus on the negatives. You must instead think how much better off you are health wise now compared to 12 months ago.

Build in some gentle daily walking, 5-a-day fruit/veg, and you'll feel even better!

Best wishes,


12-01-07, 12:08
Thanks Mable
Yes i am seeing the benefits my blood pressure is the lowest its ever been which i am so chuffed about think its cos i got a treadmill for xmas:D

Ma Larkin
12-01-07, 15:19
This is mainly for the ladies re: weight gain. Last week I got this idea in my head that my panic attacks & recent weight gain coincided with having the Depo injection instead of the oral contraceptive pill (it's only taken me nearly 2 years to come to this conclusion lol!). I went to my GP & low & behold I had my first panic attack 3 days after my very first Depo injection. In the past 12 months I have put on 2 stone. I had my last injection on the 18th December & have put 10lbs on since then!! I have always been very slim (on the verge of skinny - one of those you hate, you know the type, can eat what they want, when they want) & I'm only 5'2" so 2 stone is a lot to carry. I feel like crap, but feel tons better knowing that all this could be down to that bloody injection! I've decided not to have any more injections, I googled yesterday & found a site similar to this only with horror stories on the Depo injection & everyone had the same symptoms of panic, depression & weight gain. Just thought I'd mention it to the ladies.

Weight gain does make us anxious I think. I'm getting sick of squeezing into clothes that go nowhere near me, & it's now affecting my social life because I look in the wardrobe, try clothes that I know won't go anywhere near & end up crying! I am determined not to buy any bigger clothes because after having my son 6 years ago, I only threw all my bigger clothes away about 6 months ago, & I'm not spending a penny on buying clothes that I know will end back in the loft when they are too big cos I'm determined to lose this weight!

Well done on losing the weight Cazza, you're an inspiration to us.

Les xx

12-01-07, 16:34
Hi Les
A freind of mine used to have that injection and stopped after ayear as she put on three stone! so i think you should stop.
Good luck with loosing it ! carol:D