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View Full Version : Trying to stop myself going to a&e

07-11-14, 22:23
Hello every one
Going to a&e isn't something I usually do as I don't want to waste anyone's time nor take up a valuable slot to be seen
But I'm miserable. I feel I need to see someone to know everything is ok.
I have had a lump under my armpit for two weeks had blood tests which were normal and I although still anxious tried to accept it. Well this morning I felt it and its double in size painful and red. I can't relax/sleep/eat nothing. I'm so worried. I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday. But I don't know if I can wait till then. I feel I need to hear someone tell me what it is and why.
Not sure what to do.

07-11-14, 23:43
Ok. Here's the first question - does it qualify as an accident or an emergency?
A&E won't be able to tell you what it is - they are there to treat in the first instance.
If your bloods were fine, chances are it's nothing serious. Large and red sounds like something infected - is it hot, is it soft or hard, is it painful, is it moveable?
What did your doctor suggest it might be?
Apart from feeling anxious, do you feel well generally?

There are very few things that can't wait for a few hours - whatever it is, your life is not in danger tonight. Get some sleep and see how things are in the morning z perhaps you could then go to out of hours, or a walk in clinic.

07-11-14, 23:53
Hello every one
Going to a&e isn't something I usually do as I don't want to waste anyone's time nor take up a valuable slot to be seen
But I'm miserable. I feel I need to see someone to know everything is ok.
I have had a lump under my armpit for two weeks had blood tests which were normal and I although still anxious tried to accept it. Well this morning I felt it and its double in size painful and red. I can't relax/sleep/eat nothing. I'm so worried. I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday. But I don't know if I can wait till then. I feel I need to hear someone tell me what it is and why.
Not sure what to do.

Hey :-)

I ended up going to A&E 2 weeks ago as I did not feel the service I was getting from my GP was good enough.

I was very fortunate in that I had seen the Doctor that saw me a few months prior (for something very silly that I did). He was funny and understanding of me, and spent a good half an hour chatting to me and running some tests. He notified me that this was very rare at A&E but he wanted to be sure my mind was at rest (well... it didn't work lol but he did a wonderful job trying).

What I am saying is, I had a very positive experience at A&E but this was only because I was very fortunate with the doctor I got. Really was fantastic. My advice would be to go if you really feel like you have to, but don't go at night time. Especially not a Friday night! Midday is the best. Also remember weekend staff don't tend to be as equipped as the mid-week staff.

However, you say the node is painful and inflamed? From your point of you that is very good. Its probably inflamed because you have been prodding it. Lymphomas are painless, and not inflamed. It sounds like it's infected :-).

---------- Post added at 23:53 ---------- Previous post was at 23:50 ----------

Hello every one
Going to a&e isn't something I usually do as I don't want to waste anyone's time nor take up a valuable slot to be seen
But I'm miserable. I feel I need to see someone to know everything is ok.
I have had a lump under my armpit for two weeks had blood tests which were normal and I although still anxious tried to accept it. Well this morning I felt it and its double in size painful and red. I can't relax/sleep/eat nothing. I'm so worried. I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday. But I don't know if I can wait till then. I feel I need to hear someone tell me what it is and why.
Not sure what to do.

Also, a swollen node is only considered pathologic if it's been swollen for over six weeks!

07-11-14, 23:54
Why don't people use the out-of-hours doctor's service rather than A&E?

07-11-14, 23:57
If you're in the UK, call 111 for the out of hours patient service. From there, you can get advice and if THEY feel that it requires a trip to a primary care provider, they will organise it for you.

A&E is really not the place to take such a concern.

08-11-14, 00:25
I do NOT agree with going to the ER or A&E due to a NON-EMERGENCY. Book an appointment with your GP and even then, use discretion. If you've had scientific tests that show nothing is wrong and a doctor has given you the all clear then you don't need to be seen again. In this case, yes, I agree you need to be seen but not by a medical doctor. Please seek out a mental health professional that can help you. Taking time and resources away from those that really need it to quell your fears is not warranted.

Positive thoughts

08-11-14, 00:55
I have to agree with Fishmanpa. Sorry to sound so harsh, but having worked in A&E, it annoys me when people attend without fully considering its actual meaning and the purpose it was originally designed for:


Too many people seem to use the place like a GP if they are unregistered, or a drop in centre for things they could see their GP about, or else to set their minds at rest, and respectfully, that is just not what it is there for.

I have had so many lumps under my arms over the years I can't recall how many exactly, and they have always settled down, and I am someone who has multiple cysts running throughout my boobs already. Underarm lumps (especially those that are painful, red etc.) are 99.9% of the time no big deal. They can be hormonally created, to do with the hair follicles getting infected or irritated, benign cysts to name just a few.

Your bloods were normal, and presumably your doctor isn't concerned. Try if you can just to accept that this is good and positive. If the lump does not go or improve, I would see your doctor again, but otherwise I really would not worry.

As said already, if you really cannot settle your nerves I would agree with calling 111. They take a detailed history from you and will give you decent advice as to whether you really need to see someone asap x

08-11-14, 01:02
Call your GP surgery. There will be a recorded message telling you who to call in an emergency.

Call them and they will get you to see a doctor near to home (if possible).

I have used this service loads of time in the past when I had my crohn's flare-up and more recently a few weeks ago.

I got to see a doctor a few miles from home without having to go to A&E.

08-11-14, 09:51
Hello all!
Thank you all for replying. I completely agree with you all that that is not what it's there for and I didnt end up going. I have a gp appointment in Tuesday.

The reasons why I was worried was when I had the blood test and seen my go two weeks ago it was tiny and not painful. Where as now its tripled in size and painful. I put a heat compress on it and some savlon last night in the hope it may calm it down. It seemed to have done the trick and it's not as inflamed as it was.

I will wait for my gp appointment Tuesday. As for using urgent care I didn't think of that. And I wouldn't ring 111 as they just scare me and tell me to get to a&e straight away anyway.
I was just worried I had a bad infection and I was going to die! As for what the gp said it was she said either lymph node or cyst/blocked gland.
Thank you all again for replying. :)

---------- Post added at 09:51 ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 ----------

I should add I get books and cysts on my legs and groin all the time. I think because it's in an unusual place its worrying me.

Also my other half was away working last night leaving me alone with my thoughts

---------- Post added at 09:51 ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 ----------

Boils not books darn autocorrect