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View Full Version : Hypnosis Downloads - effectiveness

03-01-07, 11:15
Hi everybody, happy new year to you all!

My husband bought me four Hypnosis Downloads for Christmas. One on improving sleep (which we burnt on a separte disk), and three which we burnt on one disk in the following order, "Stop Worrying", "Stop Negative Thoughts", and "Positive Thinking".

Two days ago I settled on the sofa to listen to the three downloads, thru headphones. Quiet, warm room, with hubby sitting reading in the chair opposite me.

I can remember pretty much all of the "Stop Worrying" download, NOTHING about "Stop Negative Thoughts", and just one phrase from the "Positive Thinking" download.

My husband said it was fairly obvious that I had drifted asleep, and that he believes this is the best and most effective way for the hypnosis to "do their stuff", as it penetrates the subconscious rather than the conscious minds. I plan to try to listen to them again today - if I can create the right environment at the right time for me.

Interestingly, having had a much better sleep pattern over christmas and the new year, I've now had 2 disturbed nights - although I do at least get back to sleep - but of course its not the same as sleeping through.

Would love to hear your thoughts around the hypnosis - I didn't fall asleep to Pauil McKenna!!


Stu M
03-01-07, 11:58
Hi Sandie,

Im doing some Hypnotherapy with a therapist at the moment, and when we do the relaxation portion I could very easily drift off to sleep no problem. But then we move on to the therapy side and then thoughts of sleep rapidly dissapear [V]

I would be interested to find out where your husband got these downloads from if thats OK, as I too would like to give them a go.


03-01-07, 15:34
Hi Sandi

I would be interested to know where your husband got the 'downloads' from. The sound very interesting.

Jenny xxxxxxxxxxxx


07-01-07, 23:56
I would mention that whilst recorded hypnosis tapes offer some usefulness, they are like visiting a clinical hypnotherapist instead of an analytical hypnotherapist.

With the first you are being given a one-size-fits-all approach and with the second they are taking time to work with your own personal issues to develop a way forward for you.

Nearly everybody finds hypnosis tapes relaxing, since the induction will relax you - the test is whether you can 'come off' them after a while and regain normal living. If you can't then I suggest that you need to consider a more direct approach to resolve the underlying reasons for the symptoms you are having.




09-01-07, 23:18
I've always been very interested in hypnosis, but I think that I'm too uptight to let myself go into a trance state. I find it hard to trust that I won't be brainwashed (a knee jerk reaction I know) and so I normally end up feeling more anxious when I try to relax.

I recently just decided to go for it. I lay down with a Paul McKenna download, but I just couldn't relax. Instead I decided to listen to it consciously so that I knew what I was getting. After that I felt a lot more comfortable with it. I've since tried a few times to go under and even put them on while I was snoozing in the morning, but I don't feel like I've really got it right yet.

I agree with you Nigel, I would expect to "wake up and feel refreshed" if it had worked. I guess that I'll have to keep trying a few different things, but atleast now I'm more curious than trepidatious and I AM likely to persue it.

Hypnosis does seem like an ideal form of therapy to me. My thinking is that even if I don't get it exactly right, then atleast hearing such positive statements is likely to have some kind of conscious effects on my psyche.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

10-01-07, 00:15
W.I.F.T.S., I hear your concerns and know them as they are understandable.

Regarding being brainwashed, it won't happen. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, the difference with having the therapist with you is that they 'should' be schooled in talking you down into a place in your mind that's comfortable to let you begin to do what you need to do to learn what you will learn in hypnosis.

You're also concerned about not getting it right and this, along with your feeling of being uptight is really no more than you wanting to do two things at once. On the one hand you want to keep your conscious mind in control and not 'let go' but on the other, to let hypnosis work for you you do need to let your conscious mind relax and go deeper into your uconscious mind, where all the business of resolutiuon will take place, soon.

A good hypnotist will be able to understand the way that's right for you to become relaxed so as to let the u/c mind become freer.

Sometimes it takes a few sessions for you, the client, to 'loosen up' and relax since if I understand you correctly, being relaxed and loosening up isn't something that you've done much of lately.

It is definately possible to quieten a racing mind, and when, you can let that happen soon, you will find that the understanding regarding anixiety will begin to take shape, soon.

HTH, can clarify more if you wish

