View Full Version : i feel alone while I know I'm not alone

08-11-14, 07:11
Hi. I'm pretty new to this forum so I'm not sure how this works. But I'm 18 years old and I have been on Prozac for over a year now. It has improved on stopping my panic attacks but it hasn't done anything for depression. Weekly I get depressed. Every weekend actually. It's not that I have nothing to do, I have loads of things to do its just I don't do them. I feel hopeless. I keep feeling sore. I can't eat properly. I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me. I really don't think this medication is working too well. I feel so restless as well. It's hard to explain because I only vaguely describe these things but when I go to my therapist nothing comes out of my mouth except tears. I just want to cry but I can't because I can't feel anything anymore. I feel like I don't have emotions anymore. They are present but they are covered up. I feel like it's the Prozac. I have talked to my pychartist (sorry for the wrong spelling) about my medication and she said I'm only school stress. It's beyond school. I'm not sure what to do. I can't even listen to music anymore because it doesn't give me pleasure but a headache. I'm just really scared and I'm not sure what to do. I feel alone. I know I'm not its just the people I'm around especially my family they don't understand what is going on with me. They have their own stresses to worry about. I just hope one day I won't feel this endless haunting pain.. I'm just tired of it. Also I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I'm not really sure about the details.

08-11-14, 19:16
Prozac will numb you yes. I was on it for four years. I was very isolated at the time and the loneliness was painful. I used to go into town to be around other human beings. But I think the Prozac made the loneliness feel even more acute. It was a horrible feeling.

I know it helps with panic attacks but it doesn't sound like it's doing a lot else for you.

I came off it eventually and although it was hard I've never gone back on it. And ironically once off it I started to make relationships again. It can be very unhelpful not feeling anything.

Be honest with your psychiatrist/therapist. Tell them it's making you feel numb and lonely and it's really not helping you.

There are ways to control panic attacks without medications that do that to you.

Try and feel as natural/human as possible and learn to deal with the anxieties you feel in a constructive way.

Talk to us on here. There are lots of nice people on here who will help you deal with the things you face.

Don't let things get you down. It's not forever. You have lots of good times ahead.