View Full Version : trying again

08-11-14, 15:12
Hi there , I joined a long time ago ..but didnt stick to it ....but struggling ..I have healyh anxiety ..been on every anti depressant going it seems ..currently on mirtazipine 30mg ..it seemed to be working ..but today the thoughts have come back ...the pulled muscle I have in my neck is somehow angina ... and 4 days ago I could rationalise it and knew it was a pulled muscle ..but today ...I cant ....pain in the neck and in my left arm ..but not sharp ..am sitting here with a sore shoulder ..and in my head its angina ..am 39 ....I am hyper aware of every thing in my body ...will i ever be normal ...

08-11-14, 15:35
Angina is usually pain in the chest and gets worse with exertion.

What you have is a pulled muscle and you have to keep telling yourself that.

08-11-14, 18:10
I agree with Nic.

I've had the neck, shoulder and arm pain thing so many times it is stupid, and each time I get myself in a dumb tizz that it may be cardiac.

It isn't.

It is truly amazing how muscular pain can be so invasive and painful that we conjure up all thoughts of heart issues, but they are not. When we are anxious, especially super-anxious, we hold ourselves tense, tight and stiff, often without even being aware of it. This causes our muscles to start aching and get irritated. Even hyperventilating (which we can be unaware of too, as it isn't always the cliched huffing and puffing you see on TV) can create this muscle pains in the shoulder, chest, arm, etc.

This will settle down for you with rest and trying to relax if you can. I use a heat pad or hot water bottle when I have these pains, and within a couple of days or two they settle.

It is not always something sinister that causes these type of pains, so try to relax. x:hugs: