View Full Version : Awaiting results of MRI scan done today

08-11-14, 16:05
Hello All, I have just joined this forum because this morning (Saturday) I had an appointment for an MRI scan referred by my Neurologist. I am now absolutely worried about the results. When it was over, I asked how I would get the results and she said the Neurologist would write to me but I forgot to ask how long I would need to wait. I am trying to work on the 'no news is good news' and I believe if there was anything serious to worry about they would ring me straight away (ie would they ring today? on a Saturday?) I am dreading Monday and will be on tenterhooks as to whether I will get a phone call - how can I cope with the next 2 - 3 days? please advise :-(

08-11-14, 16:09
You can cope because you have no choice but to cope.

There is no point stressing over something that will most probably never happen to be honest and making yourself ill over it.

Just enjoy the weekend and keep busy if you have to.

09-11-14, 13:35
Has anyone had to wait a long time for their results? is no news good news do you think?

09-11-14, 14:25
Hi Carina62

I had to wait 2 weeks and it was all clear

Is no news good news? since you only had it done on Saturday I guess no news is well just that no news

Please don't worry although I must admit I was a bit on edge waiting it's particularly bad when you suffer from anxiety

Just try and relax I'm sure you will be ok there is not much more anyone can say

Best wishes

09-11-14, 16:50
I waited about 10 days for me results and they were clear. It is hard waiting but like others have said if you keep distracted the time will go quicker.

10-11-14, 02:41
My nemisis is waiting for results. I think all health care facilities should send us on an all-expense paid vacation while we wait.:D

10-11-14, 16:39
Thanks. i have been on tenterhooks today and have jumped everytime the phone has rung. I don't think i will be able to relax properly until Wed or by the end of this week but i keep telling myself that if it was anything 'serious' they would have contacted me by now - surely?

10-11-14, 18:18
I've been waiting almost 2 weeks since my thyroid ultrasound for the very large nodule and cysts I have in it. Going in less than 2 hours to find out what they saw. Probably following up with a biopsy - which means another 2 weeks of waiting. I can't wait for 2 weeks to go by as I just want the final answer/game plan from the doctors and some anxiety relief. I feel you all. Glad everyone's results were clear!

19-12-14, 19:44
After 5 weeks of waiting, I finally received my MRI results and I don't know what to make of them. Basically the letter states that it shows up a 14mm calcified, extra axial lesion in the left frontal region, probably meningioma but that it requires no further action. I've scared myself by googling 'meningioma' and it comes up with brain tumour!! I'm confused :-( Can anyone advise please?

Panic Manic
20-12-14, 03:14
After 5 weeks of waiting, I finally received my MRI results and I don't know what to make of them. Basically the letter states that it shows up a 14mm calcified, extra axial lesion in the left frontal region, probably meningioma but that it requires no further action. I've scared myself by googling 'meningioma' and it comes up with brain tumour!! I'm confused :-( Can anyone advise please?

Yeah, it is a type of non cancerous tumor. I myself, have 5 of them. Who sent you to do the lab works? Have they talked to you about it? You need to see a neurologist to speak about the options if you want a removal.

For me, we have found that keeping the tumors as they are is the safest. My doctor told me most with meningioma have them since born and they don't even know have any side affects.

Mine are pretty troublesome with migraines.

20-12-14, 11:50
Thanks for your reply, I feel slightly better but I was so confused when I got the letter but I will be making an appointment to see my GP on Monday to discuss the letter further. Originally, my GP sent me to see a Neurologist who then referred me for an MRI scan and the results letter that came back was from the consultant neurologist with a copy of the letter to my GP. I don't really want anything removing if I can help it but thanks for your response. I'll see what the GP thinks when I see him next week.

20-12-14, 12:19
Hi glad you have at last received the results and although they are not exactly as you would have liked they are better than a tumour that is malignant, I suppose it all depends on the symptoms that you were having prior to the MRI and as has been pointed out you were probably born with it and if it was life threatening you wouldn't be talking about it you would have been in and had it removed by now, you need to see the neurologist or at least your Dr to discuss any further treatment or not as the case may be.
Easy to say but try not to worry as most of us have had or do have non malignant tumours they cause no problems at all.