View Full Version : Hi hoping to make new friends to talk too

08-11-14, 18:00
Hello iam new to this I hope to make new friends ,my son has left home after 25 years ,I've suffered for years with anxiety it's an awful thing ,my name is andrea

10-11-14, 18:12
Hi Andrea!

11-11-14, 04:01
Hi Andrea, welcome to the site! :welcome:

It's a great place full of lovely people, so I hope you can find some help and comfort here.

11-11-14, 04:55
Hi Andrea :welcome:
Here for a chat anytime:)

11-11-14, 11:41
Hi Andrea,
I am new to the site too.
Perhaps I am in a similar situation to you. Empty nest, loneliness. I have been through anxiety/depression and a breakdown, and come out the other end, but seem to be going through a bad patch again...but it does always get better. You are welcome to chat to me anytime :-)