View Full Version : Well Hello there!

10-11-14, 21:12
Hi, I'm Beth from Wales, I'm 22 and as of the end of the month, jobless. I'm a musician by trade, my work and my life revolves around it. I also play roller derby which is a scary sport that has kicked me out of a few anxieties.. or should I say its helped me overcome them.
I've always been told that I'm shy (although I dont feel shy), antisocial and a bit of an oddball. I've known I've had a problem all my life but recently, my issues with fear and avoidance have got so bad, I've finally gone and got myself diagnosed with anxiety.
Some things that trigger my anxiety; phone calls, thunder, fireworks, people invading my personal bubble (getting physically too close), making a fool out of myself, and loads, loads more. I wont get too into it.
So erm... thats me. I'm here for self help and to share anything I've discovered that might help someone. I'm all about sharing.
thanks for reading and I'll see you all around the forums, I suppose!

10-11-14, 22:52
Roller Derby, eh? I'm impressed!

11-11-14, 04:00
Hey Beth... Welcome to the site! :welcome:

I definitely share in quite a few features of your anxiety, so you're not alone there!

Hope you've had a nice day and that you can find some help and info here :)