View Full Version : 4:30 am panic attack and still have chest pains

11-11-14, 11:36
Hi ALl,

This is my first post so please be nice!

It all started a few days ago, I went to see a nurse about contraception and she has put me on the pill, I havent used contraception for years but with my wedding coming up in 5 months I thought it would be better to be safe than sorry, anyway taking things such as the pill trigger my anxiety enormously because of the risk of blood clots. My friends Dad dropped dead suddenly from a clot in his lung and I am so scared the same thing is going to happen to me. My H2B says im being ridiculous, but Ive started getting pain in my leg since taking the pill and tight chest pain for 3 days now, Im a 24 yo healthy female, not overweight and no other risk factors, I just cannot get it out of my head that I have clots in my lungs and Im basically a ticking time bomb!

This morning at 4:30 am I woke up from my sleep feeling as though I couldnt breathe, obviously in my head this MUST be the clot killing me, which made me panic so much more, my chest went tight and my legs went heavy, I genuinly thought 'this is it, im dying!' I got up and went downstairs so I didnt disturb H2B and my whole body was uncontrollable shaking. Within about half an hour all the symptoms were dying down and I eventually went back to bed about 5:30 and managed to sleep until 7 when I get up for work, I feel completely drained today and my Chest is still hurting, I have booked to see a DR this afternoon as last time I spoke to her she thinks I need CBT, and right now I will take anything if it helps!

ASnyway....I wondered if it is normal to have chest pains for this long and do you think it is all anxiety related or there is an underlying condition as I suspect?! I know this is something only the GP can answer, but any one elses experiences will help massively!

Thank you! xxx

NE21 worrier
11-11-14, 12:13

I get chest and stomach pains when I'm feeling anxious and it's a really common symptom so, while we are not supposed to give diagnoses here, I would guess it will be anxiety-related.

Also, even though the panic attack has past some hours ago, the nerve endings in your body can remain in a heightened state for some time afterwards so that is not unusual either.

Having endured panic attacks and anxiety for some years, I know that the fact that I am saying it is likely still to be anxiety does not lessen the pain which you have gone through/are still going through. You're not being ridiculous at all: Anxiety/panic is quite a physical illness - in terms of how the symptoms affect the body - so you've done the right thing going the doctor.

Hopefully you can get the help you need soon,
Peter :)