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11-11-14, 17:10
I went to see the GP about a female related matter and while I was there he said he would test my urine to definitely rule out pregnancy and to see why I keep needing to pass urine. Said he had found blood in my urine and that for now would treat it as an infection but was going to send the sample off. I said I have been getting random stomach ache for a bit but he did not seem concerned. I am worried in case it's not an infection. I know it can be a sign of other things . I only saw an advert the other night about blood in urine . Thanks for listening .

11-11-14, 20:26
You are worried in case it is not an infection yet that is the most probable outcome for it. A urine infection would give random stomach aches. It can be a sign of other things but more often it is just and infection and if your doctor didn't seem worried then I wouldn't be. If your doctor had suspected any thing more sinister he would have had further tests done very quickly. :hugs::hugs:

11-11-14, 20:45
I always have a trace of blood in my urine. It was found many years ago in a routine medical. At the time I was 21 and didn't have a health anxiety and thought nothing about it. years later \I developed my HA and it freaked me out. I had several tests including a cystoscopy and the result. - I have blood traces in my urine. no consequence. Some people apparently juts have. Try not t worry. easier said than done I know

11-11-14, 20:57
funny this post came up.

I have microscopic blood in my urine as well.

In women under 40 docs don't worry about it because it rarely, if ever, means anything serious. Usually, it indicates a UTI.

11-11-14, 21:07
Thank you Annie, Susie and Canbud . Seems like it is a common problem and the GP did say that I had age on my side in regards to something like this so I am trying to think of it as a UTI and to take the antibiotics I have been given.
Thanks again xx

11-11-14, 21:11
I am going thro same thing blood in urine and white cells :( I'm now left with the feeling of needing to we every hour :( x

11-11-14, 21:16
I am going thro same thing blood in urine and white cells :( I'm now left with the feeling of needing to we every hour :( x

Hi sorry to hear you are still struggling, I am currently weeing every half an hour or so. Was you given antibiotics?

11-11-14, 22:01
Alma, If it is a urine infection it will be antibiotics you will be given.
I had this and was given antibiotics straight away. The nurse tested my sample of urine. Went into the GPs room and was given tablets straight away. Don't know if it was sent off to be tested. I had lots of pain.
I hope you have a result soon xx

11-11-14, 22:29
Yes I was three lots after third lot they rested it and sed all normal but I'm left with this horrible irratable bladder it's terrible :( x