View Full Version : Need help or advice cant function properly

12-11-14, 10:11

I recently lost a close member of my family and I'm having what i think are grief symptoms but I literally cannot cope with them. I am having panic attacks which are only overcome when I start crying and this leads to me crying hysterically for up to an hour. I feel completely exhausted and anxious

I really need some help or advice of how to stop this.

12-11-14, 12:46
The feelings you are feeling are completely natural. Eventually, they will change into a different understanding of the person you have lost. It's part of what makes us human.

If the feelings are too debilitating, your doctor can prescribe some medication.

18-11-14, 09:18
Please seek the advice of a Doctor. You don't have to deal with this on your own.

I'm very sorry for your loss but please know that you need to look after yourself now. I hope you're feeling a little better very soon.

18-11-14, 14:20
Agree with LilyPad- go to your GP: there are things that can help you get through this difficult time.

18-11-14, 15:00
losing anyone is the hardest thing ever.. and I get where you coming from.. take a breather, its so hard for anyone to lose a loved one and only time heals, relax yourself.. listen to calming music, spend time with friends and family but definitely see your gp to get something that will ease the stress and pain of the persons memory, truth is you will be given medication, it will ease it pain but it doesn't erase it.. only time will.. just remember everything that happens is Gods will

take care