View Full Version : blip?

12-11-14, 15:08
Hi All,
This is my first post. This is my second time on Cipralex for Anxiety/Depression. I came off after a year and a half, and did great for 3 months but began to slip into anxiety/depression.
I am on week 13 of cipralex at 10mg. I started to feel benefits within 4 weeks. Things slowly improved, but still wasn't 100%. 6 days ago I woke up in a little panic in the middle of the night and I thought that the cycle was beginning again. All my old feelings are coming back, not as severe but feel that they may. I am scared that I am falling back into the hole again. My sleep is interrupted, anxiety in morning, thinking about it all day, sadness.. it gets a bit better in the evening. Last time I was on Cipralex, it took a good 5 months to feel better. I had a few dips along the way. However, I don't know if this is a dip or a major setback. I was feeling much better for about 4 weeks and then this is happening now. I'm not sure if this is normal, what is happening? I think it hurts so much more because I thought I was getting better and then WHAM all the feelings are creeping back in. I know recovery is a long process, but is this normal to experience 13 weeks in on a medication? Is this just a blip? Will it pass? I'm trying hard to not think about it, but I am continuously googling things and looking for reassurance that this is something normal at 13 weeks... which is definitely not helping myself. Please help, advice, words of encouragement please!